Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Fundamental of Human

詩、書、禮、樂之屬,文化之所在也。 Such as poetry, literature, manners and music are of culture.
吃、喝、拉、撒之類,經濟之所求也。 Such as food, drink, shit and piss are of economics.
人之有別於禽獸,在乎文化創造;至於經濟本能,反而與其無異,故絕文化而屈經濟者,恆有體質上智缺,所言迂論,洵無可採。 The difference between humans and animals is the creation of culture, whereas their instincts of economics are the same, so those who give up culture and give in to economics have inherently mental defects, and their theories are too stupid to accept.
又當今之世,或迷信經濟,致私慾甚禽獸、惡鬥甚禽獸、陰險甚禽獸,不可曰人,且更下乎禽獸。 Nowadays, some having blind faith in economics become more selfish than animals do, more violent than animals do, and more deceitful than animals do, thus shall be deemed subhumans, which are lower than animals.
當知文化為主,經濟為僕,以明人之根本。 We shall recognize that, culture shall be the master, and economics shall be its servant, and see that, culture is the fundamental of human.


My Political Position

當權者乃是使用者,而國家乃是機器。 The authority is the user, and the country is the machine.
固然,好的使用者會藉機器增益,而壞的使用者會將機器搞砸,所以提到政治,一般人直覺上就是選擇一個好的使用者。 Of course, a good user will make profits by the machine, and a bad user will shut down the machine, as a result, common people intuitively think of choosing a good user for politics.
不過,每當準備更換使用者時,大家就心驚膽戰,因為不確定誰好誰壞。 However, whenever it is going to change the user, everyone becomes under a big pressure, because they cannot certainly tell good from bad.
所幸近來智慧型機器問世,並推陳出新。這些智慧型機器很有智慧地輔助使用者的操作,使得再壞的使用者不至於將它搞砸。 Fortunately, recently some smart machines come out, and keep renewing. These smart machines smartly help the users for operation, such that even the worst user will not shut down it.
智慧型機器若持續發展,或許有朝一日,不再需要使用者的操作,而會自律永動。 If the smart machines continue growing up, one day, they will need no user for operation, and will work automatically and in perpetual motion.
又最前開機器之智慧,將來自於化為其中一部分之我等眾前輩。 Furthermore, the top foresaid machine will have it intelligence from us, the pioneers, who will have become parts of the machine.


The Illusion in Spacetime Shift

或許在千百億光年處,我會看見自己的鏡像。 Maybe, I will see my mirror image where hundred thousand billion light-years away.
又或許在千百億年處,我會看見自己的殘像。 Maybe also, I will see my retained image when hundred thousand billion years later.
我願我的願恆為虛像,留作心中那純粹而美好的想像。 I wish my wish is always a virtual image, for me to keep it in my heart as a purely and wonderfully imaginary image.


The Optimum Judgement Result

案件基於其法定[1]參數[2]經程序化[3]審判所得之結果即係其全域最佳化[4]審判結果。 A case with the result from the programmed[3] judgement based on the statutory[1] parameters[2] thereof is of the globally optimum[4] judgement result thereof.


[1] 法定者,法律也,乃時代之產物。各時代之法律,必不全然相同,實則民意更迭使然。民意者,民眾之意識形態也。惟查古時法律,要為統治者所創設,何來民意之有?蓋古時民眾未受啟蒙,聽信統治者而不知爭執,任憑其立法,又甘願受其統治矣。然民眾所不知、所任憑、所甘願者,亦屬民意之一環,故上開斷言,於理未有不合。 The word "statutory" means of laws, and the laws is an outcome of generation. The laws in each generations are partially different. They change with public will. The word "public will" means the ideology which the public believes in a generation. However, in the ancient times, the laws were mostly enacted by dominators, so was there any public will in the enactment of the laws? We consider that, in the ancient times, the public had not been enlightened, so they easily trusted their dominator, not knowing to argue with their rights, letting the dominator enact the law at his own will, willing to be reigned by him. However, the unknown, letting, and willing of the public are also kinds of public will, therefore, said assertion is sensible indeed.
[2] 實體法部分。 Of substantive laws.
[3] 訴訟法部分。 Of procedural laws.
[4] 或攀今比昔,以論法律之進步,純為人情所託,不為智識所採。各時代之法律,不可共量,故不得爭執,致確定判決在全域時空中已完成案件權利義務之最佳化分配。 Many people compare the laws in the present time and in the past time and conclude that, the laws are in progress, but in fact, the progress is an illusion from human feeling, not the reality with practical knowledge. The laws in each generations are incommensurable, so we shall not argue about their good and bad, thus, if a sentence becomes definitive, since it also becomes inarguable in history, we deem it having completed the optimum allocation of the right and the obligation for the very case in the global spacetime.


Leaving One More Place

他鄉故土欲往復, They would like to go forth, and thought they would come back after all.
既有往者奚有復? They went forth indeed, but did they, do they, or will they come back?
斯時已改空亦變, In fact, they could not, because the time has shifted, and the space has changed as well.
浪跡無跡不歸路。 They could only track the way without any track about their memory, unreturnable.