Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Meaning of the Multiform Family

有時候,一個東西,我們正著看,看不出好壞,要倒著看,才看得出。 Sometimes, we may not tell good or bad with one thing alone, but we may do it in comparison.
多元成家制度,我們正著看,只想到同性戀、小三、小王等,會得到法律保護,有了名分,破壞傳統價值。 When talking about the multiform family, someone imagines that the law begin to protect the homosexuals, the lemans and the secret lovers, legalize their relationships, and break down the tradition values.
然而,沒有多元成家制度的現狀又是如何呢?晚年要充實,就得娶妻生子、養兒防老。雖說養兒未必可以防老,但不養兒絕對不可能防老。傳統價值就只允許我們走這唯一的一途,不走這一途,晚年可要孤苦無依了。 But how about the present situation with no multiform family system? If we do not want to be a lonely aged, we must get married and have children, since we know that even if our children may not take care of us when we are aged, certainly will we be helpless with no children when aged. This is of the tradition values, which only allows us one way to run our life, and if we are going to refuse it, we better get ready for the solitude in the rest of life.
此時再反觀多元成家制度有何好處?除了對你有情有義的人有機會成為我們的配偶、伴侶之外,同修社友、街坊鄰居,全都可以擴展成一個有名分的大家庭。晚年互相依存、扶持,更勝於一個封閉的傳統家庭。 Looking back to the multiform family system, is there any benefit in it? Of course, not only the pillar of our life can become our spouse or our companion, but our friends or our neighbors can also legally form a big family with us, so we can help each other when we are aged, not limited to a closed traditional family.
所以不支持多元成家,就好像在寬頻時代,堅持撥接的傳統一樣,實在是跟自己過意不去。 So long as we shall not insist on traditional dial-up connection in the broadband internet age, why shall we not expand the traditional family to the multiform family in the modern age?
