Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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A Positive Psycho Treatment Based on Antinomy

  1. 蒐集當事人之價值系統,以構造出其價值函數,用以測定其精神訊息之精神崩塌值。
  2. 偵測當事人之精神訊息,並經上開價值函數測定其精神崩塌值[1]。
  3. 若上開精神崩塌值不低於經驗閥值,則程序終止;否則:
    1. 依逐項評論原則分割上開精神訊息為若干局部精神訊息,並經上開價值函數逐一測定其等精神崩塌值。
    2. 上開局部精神訊息有精神崩塌值低於上開經驗閥值者,由二律背反分析震盪調變為改觀精神訊息,以使其經上開價值函數測定之精神崩塌值與上開經驗閥值之差最小化。
    3. 將上開改觀精神訊息回饋當事人。
I provide a positive psycho treatment based on antinomy, as follows:
  1. Collect the person's figures of merit to construct his merit function used to measure the psycho collapsed value of his psycho message.
  2. Detect the person's psycho message, and measure its psycho collapsed value[1] by the merit function.
  3. If the psycho collapsed value is not lower than an experiential threshold, the process ends; otherwise:
    1. According to Term-by-Term Comment Principles, divide the psycho message into several partial psycho messages, and measure their psycho collapsed values one by one by the merit function.
    2. For the partial psycho messages whose psycho collapsed values are lower than the experiential threshold, vibrantly module them through antinomy analysis into transformed psycho messages whose psycho collapsed values measured by the merit function are with minimum difference to the experiential threshold.
    3. Feedback the transformed psycho messages to the person.


[1] 係波函數之崩塌。 It is a wavefunction collapse.