- 在測量前校準歸零者,其基礎即公正。
- 在測量中正常運作者,其程序即正當。
- 在測量中發現不平衡,從而增減兩端,盡可能使平衡者,其處置即公平。
- 在測量中呈現平衡者,為平等之實現。
It is similized to a weighting scale as:
- on the just ground as calibrated to zero before measurement.
- in the due process as normally works in measurement.
- with the fair deal as once discovering any unbalance, make it balance as possible by increasing or decreasing the two terminals in measurement.
- has done the equality as balanced in measurement.
國家應在公正之基礎,經正當之程序,以公平之處置,為平等之實現。 |
The nation shall, on the just ground, in the due process, with the fair deal, do the equality. |
公正、正當、公平係平等之充分條件,故雖無上開三者,仍有平等之可能。 |
The justice, the due and the fairness are the sufficient conditions of the equality, so even if we lack them, we can still do the equality. |