多元性,即多元基底數目,係本徵函數項數目。 | The variety, which is the number of the variety bases, is the number of the terms of an eigenfunction. |
個體維生目的在於維持自身多元性。 | An individual lives on purpose to preserve its own variety. |
個體維生所為之熵排放量不得逾越特定閥值,使上開個體成功維持之多元性不小於因上開熵排放而損失之多元性期望值[1]。 | The amount of the entropy emission from an individual living shall not beyond a certain threshold, such that the variety successfully preserved by the individual is not less than the expected value[1] of the variety lost as a result of the entropy emission. |
[1] | 個體之熵排放未必傷及群體多元性,故須考慮期望值。 | An individual's entropy emission is not necessary to hurt the colonial variety, so we shall consider the expected value. |