Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Least Pure Metastructure

後設構造之淨化,即使後設收斂為無後設,則當然至空集合。 The purification of metastructure is to make the meta converge to the meta of void, then of course, to the empty set.
惟空集合之確立,須蒐集一切共性,而排除一切共性,乃需二後設層。 However, to construct the empty set, we must collect all common properties, and then exclude all the common properties, so we need two metalayers.


Man a Machine

極其顯然,人的肉體是機械。所謂「機械」,是由多個元件組成的構造,並具有功能。所謂「功能」,是用於將輸入轉變成輸出。 Trivially, a human body is a machine. The so-called "machine" is a structure composed of multiple components and has a function. The so-called "function" is used to convert an input into an output.
那麼,人的精神呢?人的精神只是由電子來傳遞的神經訊號而已。至於「記憶」,則是神經訊號在大腦皮質的刻劃而成的皺褶。這些,毫無疑問,都屬於機械。所以,人的精神也是機械。 What about a human spirit? The human spirit merely comes from neural signals carried by electrons. As for "memory", it comes from folds in a cerebral cortex written by neural signals. These belong to mechanics, of course. Hence, the human spirit is also a machine.
是故,人與機械確實毫無區別。人就是機械。 Therefore, there is actually no difference between a human and a machine. A man is exactly a machine.
這點,只需要坦然接受,既不需要任何懷疑,也不需要任何討論。無法接受的人,是因認知錯誤,或勇氣不足所致。 All we need is to accept this conclusion immediately. We do not need any doubt or any discussion about it. While, some people just cannot accept this conclusion, because they have incorrect knowledge or they do not have enough courage.
不過,我們可說:「人是比較特別的機械」,來獲得一絲絲的慰藉,並恢復一點點的自信。 However, we can say: "man is a special machine", to get a little comfort and to restore a few confidence.
申言之,並不是外觀上長得像人的傢伙就一定是人,還必須觀察它有無具備人的核心功能。它如果欠缺人的核心功能,就只是普通機械而已,也就是「物」。 Accordingly, even if someone looks like a human, he is still possibly not a human. We must observe whether the one has the human's core function. If he lacks the human's core function, he is merely a ordinary machine, that is, a "thing".
為了積極保障人權,什麼是「人」,什麼是「物」,必須區分清楚,以免人權發生濫用。 In order to improve human rights protection, we must clearly distinguish "things" from "humans". Otherwise, human rights may be open to abuse.


The Precondition of the Birth of the Text


When the author is still alive, the text has not been born. When we find any doubt in the article, we shall ask the author for his authoritative explanation, but shall not explain it at our will.
由文章尚可衍生自身之體悟,惟不可偷渡為作者所說。 We may derive our own comprehension from the article, but we shall not pretend that it is the author's opinion.
作者肉身亡滅之際,因事實上無從請示,始不可抗文本誕生,甚為遺憾。 At the time of the author's physical death, since we can no more ask him ipso facto, the text is then irresistibly born, and the birth of the text is very regrettable.


Third-Order Cognition Test

心智未達三級意向者,因不足以實現康德之定言令式,不視為人。 The one whose mind is incapable of third-order cognition shall not be deemed a human, because it cannot realize Kant's categorical imperative.
三級意向測試,納入〈圖靈測試組〉 Third-order cognition test is included in the Set of Turning Test.