Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Life as the Cantor Set

恆知過去、現在、未來,而不知過去之何以成現在,現在之何以成未來,如是人生即雖完備而無處稠密,巨觀之空虛,委如康托爾集。 For a person always knowing past, present and future but knowing neither how past became present nor how present becomes future, his life is complete but nowhere dense, appearing to be macroscopically empty, as the Cantor set.


Shall Not Produce Things to Replaces Humanity in the End

康德所提出的絕對命令的第二形式表明:應以人作為最終目的而行動。 Immanuel Kant declared in the second formulation of the categorical imperative that: we shall act in such a way that we treat humanity as an end.
然而,在唯物主義盛行的今日,人們隨波逐流,想方設法地製造最終[1]「取代人」的東西。人們背離康德的結果,已帶來嚴重危險。 However, nowadays with widespread Materialism, most people drift with the tide and endeavor to produce things "to replace humanity" in the end[1]. This violates Kant's categorical imperative and brings about serious danger.
所幸,後設猜想認為,一旦人全部被取代,則絕對命令的那個「人」字亦可被取代,而全新命題即將誕生。 Optimistically, the Metahypotheses predicts that, once all humanity has been replaced, a brand new thesis can be made by replacing the word "humanity" in the categorical imperative.


[1] 請注意,「最終」二字,是指一人被取代,而無他人替補的情況而言。 Note that "in the end" means the case that no person fills the vacancy after a person is replaced.


The Metahypotheses is the Mixture of Arrogance and Modesty

「後設」二字,是狂妄地意圖以全知觀點觀察及描述一切現象;而「猜想」二字,則是謙遜地留有以其他觀點觀察及描述一切現象之餘地。故後設猜想,就字面而言,是狂妄與謙遜之調和。 Hence, The Metahypotheses is literally the mixture of arrogance and modesty


A Common Situation in the Metahypotheses

後設猜想喜歡營造出下列情境,就是你屬於要麼情況A、要麼情況B、要麼情況C等,而這些有限列舉的情況涵蓋所有可能性,使得你客觀上不能、主觀上也不想去否認這樣的歸類。 The Metahypotheses likes to declare a situation that you are limited to one of the case A, the case B, the case C, and so on, wherein the countable cases cover all possibilities, so that you objectively cannot and subjectively do not want to deny such classification.
藉此,後設猜想將一個議題定案,然後尋找下一個議題故技重施。 In this way, the Metahypotheses gives a conclusion to an issue, and then it searches for a next issue to play the same trick.


Using Bopomofo in a Sentence

注音文很幼稚,乃是社會通念,所以過去我也忌諱使用注音文。 Using bopomofo in a sentence is commonly deemed an immature behavior, so I avoided doing so.
不過,自從追蹤幹幹貓的粉絲專頁,我發現注音文既方便又有趣,於是乎,像是彌補過去的缺憾般,瘋狂使用它。 However, since I followed Fuck Fuck Cat's fan page, I found using bopomofo in a sentence convenient and interesting, so I begin to use it frequently, as if I wanted to make up for my lost part in the past.