來桃仔之佳園兮,伴百華之和融。 | Come to the garden of peach, and get into flowers. |
擇吉日而興遊兮,遂久冀之遠行。 | Choose a good day for trip, and realize your dream. |
登航天之首埠兮,乘巨鵬而舞空。 | Enter the port to heaven, and ride on a roc to sky. |
御八風乎高翔兮,穿流雲所迷濛。 | Fly high with winds, and break through clouds. |
現全地之靈景兮,嘆山水之輝映。 | Look over the landscape, and admire the magic of the nature. |
處四季之同在兮,擁物產之豐榮。 | Nose out the signs of season, and prepare for goods. |
撫身心以美饌兮,品茗茶以潤聲。 | Comfort yourself by delicacies, and quench your thirst by teas. |
安棲遲而無憂兮,寄韶光於閒情。 | Release your body, and have a time of leisure. |
隨交通之廣開兮,與四海之民風。 | Set out from here, and visit the world. |
緣寶島之圓通兮,集文化於總成。 | Keep in the variety of the island, and welcome all cultures. |