Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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We Learn and Often Practice

〈論語‧學而第一〉子曰:「學而時習之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎?」 In Studying, Analects, Confucius said: "We learn and often practice. Aren't we happy? A friend comes from a distant place. Aren't we joyful? We don't anger for people's ignorance. Aren't we a gentleman?"
重讀這篇,感觸良多。我覺得,這篇呈現出的是一種平實、純粹、清淨、怡然自得的生活。 Rereading this article, I get more feelings. I think, this article shows a simple, pure, peaceful, and contented life.
有飯可食、有衣可穿,愛物惜福;看看書、敘敘舊,知足常樂;乃至於進則仕、退則隱,一切隨緣。 A contented life is to thank for foods and clothes, to enjoy reading books and chatting with friends, to leave it to destiny whether to hold a post or not.
若將這篇看作什麼大聖大賢的大道理,那是過度解讀了。 We shall not overinterpret this article as if it brings up a sage.
其實,若人們都生活得怡然自得,實在也不必什麼聖賢之道了。或者說,聖賢之道,就是為了讓人們獲得怡然自得的生活。 Truly, if people are living contentedly, we don't need a sage, or, we need a sage just to help people to contented lives.
因此,這篇被安排在論語之開頭,卻也是全書之結論,可謂開門見山。若不能體會編者的這個提示,那是糟蹋了他的美意了。 Therefore, this article, being arranged at the beginning of Analects, is just the conclusion of the book. It comes straight to the point. We shall realize such tip given by the book's arranger, otherwise, we shall disappoint him a lot.
最要不得的是,反其道而行,自命聖賢,刻意兼善天下,反而干預了人們怡然自得的生活。 However, the most terrible thing is that, someone acts in a way opposite to this article. He, regarding himself as a sage, aims to benefit the world, but interrupts people's contented lives due to his unnatural actions.
這篇就是以描述這種怡然自得的生活,呈現出最透徹的人生觀。 We shall realize that, this article shows its most deep philosophy by describing such a contented life.
