Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Effective Range of Competitiveness

現代資本主義盛行,「競爭力」一詞,一呼百應。然而,「競爭力」並非萬靈丹,它只適用於特定領域。我們必須謹慎地使用這個詞,以免發生謬誤。 In the present time, when Capitalism is popular, the word "competitiveness" resonates with many people. However, "competitiveness" is not almighty, and it only applies to a certain field. We must use this word carefully, or we may become a joke.
「競爭力」適用於什麼領域?我以排除法進行思考: What field does "competitiveness" apply to? I consider this question by exclusion:
雖然體育有強弱之分,但是我們沒有聽過「體育競爭力」的說法,畢竟體育是在突破肉體的極限,它的目的不是競爭。 Even if we can distinguish the strong from the weak in the field of sport, we have never heard of "sport competitiveness", since sport is to break through the limit of body after all, not for competition.
雖然藝術有美醜之分,但是我們沒有聽過「藝術競爭力」的說法,畢竟藝術是在表達心靈的感受,它的目的不是競爭。 Even if we can distinguish the beautiful from the ugly in the field of art, we have never heard of "artistic competitiveness", since art is to express the feeling of heart after all, not for competition.
雖然科學有進退之分,但是我們沒有聽過「科學競爭力」的說法,畢竟科學是在分析事物的因果,它的目的不是競爭。 Even if we can distinguish the fast from the slow in the field of science, we have never heard of "scientific competitiveness", since science is to analyse the causality of things after all, not for competition.
雖然品德有優劣之分,但是我們沒有聽過「品德競爭力」的說法,畢竟品德是在維持人際的和諧,它的目的不是競爭。 Even if we can distinguish the good from the evil in the field of morality, we have never heard of "moral competitiveness", since morality is to keep the harmony of society after all, not for competition.
雖然文化有大小之分,但是我們沒有聽過「文化競爭力」的說法,畢竟文化是在增添生活的丰采,它的目的不是競爭。 Even if we can distinguish the the major from the minor in the field of culture, we have never heard of "cultural competitiveness", since culture is to enrich the delight of life after all, not for competition.
到此為止,我認為「競爭力」一詞專指「經濟競爭力」而言,它只適用於人類活動的極小範圍。我們不必過度執著於它,以免忘記世界的多元、宇宙的廣袤。 So far, I think, the word "competitiveness" is specified to "economic competitiveness", and it only applies to a minimum range in human activities. We shall not be obsessed with it, or we may forget the variety of the world and the infinity of the universe.
