Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Director Wei's Ice Bucket Challenge

漸凍人的冰桶挑戰活動,有人說變質了,魏德聖導演卻認為:「正面的盲從也無所謂。」這是他累積經驗所獲得的視野高度。 The activity of the ice bucket challenge of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) has been popular in the whole wide world recently, and some people thought it being rotten, however, Director Wei, Te-Sheng had a different opinion, which he said: "It is okay if the fashion is constructive." Here I saw his high-level vision based on his well-experienced life.
回顧魏導的拍片計畫,他首先拍攝符合大眾胃口的《海角七號》,再引進嚴肅的《賽德克·巴萊》,再進一步推出熱血的歷史片《KANO》。如此逐步的深入,乃是高級的推廣手法,而漸凍人的冰桶挑戰活動也有異曲同工之妙。 Reviewing Director Wei's schedule for movie production, firstly he made a film Cape No. 7 to attract the population, then introduced Seediq Bale to discuss a serious topic, then carried on KANO to disclose Taiwan's secret history through an emotional story. It was a commercial trick that he added new matters step by step, and so was the activity of the ice bucket challenge of ALS.
很多人本來沒有聽過漸凍人,透過這個有趣的活動,可以認識到這個弱勢族群的存在。有了認識,才可能有重視,要循序漸進。是故,我們不宜用太嚴格的眼光去檢視這個活動,應盡可能給予肯定。 Since many people have not heard about ALS, by this interesting activity, they can be aware of this kind of minority. The awareness can bring up the attention, gradually improving the issue of ALS. Hence, we shall not look at the activity with strict eyes, but widely agree its contribution.
