Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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訊息波包經認知系統崩塌為認知結果,故認知系統為函數。 A message envelope through a cognitive system collapses into a cognizant result, so a cognitive system is a function.
  1. 若干節點;其中,各上開等節點可以上開等節點之值為參數而以參數式表示之。
  2. 記憶陣列;其中,上開記憶陣列係用於記憶上開等節點之值,亦即認知結果,亦即已崩塌之訊息波包。
Id, ego and super-ego can be consistently expressed as a cognitive system, and the cognitive system includes:
  1. nodes, wherein each of the nodes can be expressed as parametric equations with the values at the nodes being the parameters.
  2. a memory array, wherein the memory array is used to memorize the values at the nodes, that is, cognizant result, that is, the collapsed message envelope.
  1. 強可靠,若對象認知系統至少同構於已知認知系統,而以後者類比前者。
  2. 弱可靠,若對象認知系統之特定若干節點均以實部為主導項,而僅基於上開等節點分析對象認知系統之一部。
Therefore, Psychodynamics is:
  1. strong reliable, if the objective cognitive system is at least isomorphic to a known cognitive system, while comparing the latter to the former.
  2. weak reliable, if some nodes of the objective cognitive system is dominated by the real part, while basing on the nodes to analyze a part of the objective cognitive system.


Die Frage nach der Technik, page.21, lines.9-11.


"Die neuzeitliche physikalische Theorie der Natur ist die Wegbereiterin nicht erst der Technik, sondern des Wesens der modernen Technik. Denn das herausfordernde Versammeln in das bestellende Entbergen waltet bereits in der Physik."
"The modern physical theory of nature is the pioneer not only of the technique, but also of the essence of the modern technique. For the provoking gather in the ordering unconcealment has ruled in physics."

「不只是」指明了,現代物理學的自然理論同時是技術與技術之本質的開路先鋒,而後者屬於形而上學。 "Not only" specifies that, the modern physical theory of nature is a pioneer of both the technique and the essence of the technique, wherein the latter one belongs to metaphysics.
「訂造著的解蔽」就是預約了的揭示。這種預約來自於人對滿足慾望的迫切,而這種迫切所「促逼著的聚集」就是自然理論。 "The ordering unconcealment" is the disclosure being ordered. The order comes from people's urgency of begin satisfied, and "the provoking gather" caused by the urgency is the theory of nature.
何以自然理論會遭受促逼呢?因為人將它當成揭示自然的工具,進而用於生產以滿足慾望。 Why is the theory of nature being provoked? Since people take it as a tool to disclose the nature, furthermore, to use it in production to satisfy them.
何以自然理論會在物理學中起著支配作用呢?其實,這種支配是人為的,是人透過自然理論支配物理學。既然自然理論是人為的,它充其量只是技術之本質的開路先鋒,而不是技術之本質本身,換句話說,它只是開啟了人對技術之本質的追問。 How can the theory of nature have ruled in the physics? In fact, the ruling is artificial, while it is people rule in physics by the theory of nature. As long as the theory of nature is artificial, it is at most a pioneer of the essence of the technique, rather than the essence of the technique itself, in other words, it just leads people to the question about the essence of the technique.
然而,這種追問呈現在「現代」物理學的自然理論的結果,不是單純的解蔽,而是訂造著的解蔽,因為這種解蔽並非來自於人對真理的渴求,而是來自於對滿足慾望的迫切。 However, the result of the question which shows in the "modern" physical theory of nature is not a pure unconcealment, but an ordering unconcealment, for the unconcealment does not come from people's eagerness for the truth, but comes from their urgency of begin satisfied.
再回顧「訂造著的解蔽」,既然這種解蔽是被訂造的,它就是人為的,不是本質的。可是人所欲解蔽的,無非是真理啊?由此可見,現代人在物理學的自然理論中所揭示的看似真理的東西,根本是人造之物。 Reviewing "the ordering unconcealment", as long as the unconcealment is being ordered, it is artificial, rather than essential. But what people want to unconceal is the truth, is it not? Here we see that, the thing seeming to be the truth which modern people have disclosed is just an artifact.


Director Wei's Ice Bucket Challenge

漸凍人的冰桶挑戰活動,有人說變質了,魏德聖導演卻認為:「正面的盲從也無所謂。」這是他累積經驗所獲得的視野高度。 The activity of the ice bucket challenge of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) has been popular in the whole wide world recently, and some people thought it being rotten, however, Director Wei, Te-Sheng had a different opinion, which he said: "It is okay if the fashion is constructive." Here I saw his high-level vision based on his well-experienced life.
回顧魏導的拍片計畫,他首先拍攝符合大眾胃口的《海角七號》,再引進嚴肅的《賽德克·巴萊》,再進一步推出熱血的歷史片《KANO》。如此逐步的深入,乃是高級的推廣手法,而漸凍人的冰桶挑戰活動也有異曲同工之妙。 Reviewing Director Wei's schedule for movie production, firstly he made a film Cape No. 7 to attract the population, then introduced Seediq Bale to discuss a serious topic, then carried on KANO to disclose Taiwan's secret history through an emotional story. It was a commercial trick that he added new matters step by step, and so was the activity of the ice bucket challenge of ALS.
很多人本來沒有聽過漸凍人,透過這個有趣的活動,可以認識到這個弱勢族群的存在。有了認識,才可能有重視,要循序漸進。是故,我們不宜用太嚴格的眼光去檢視這個活動,應盡可能給予肯定。 Since many people have not heard about ALS, by this interesting activity, they can be aware of this kind of minority. The awareness can bring up the attention, gradually improving the issue of ALS. Hence, we shall not look at the activity with strict eyes, but widely agree its contribution.


The[1] Deduction for First Propositions of Realism

  1. 思。
  2. 思非我。
  3. 思非非我。
  4. 思我。
  5. 思,若且唯若,在。
The deduction for First Propositions of Realistic is as follows:
  1. Think.
  2. Think of non-myself.
  3. Think of non-non-myself.
  4. Think of myself.
  5. Think, if and only if, exist.
  1. 思者,一念不覺也。
  2. 思非我者,妄想也。
  3. 思非非我,分別也。
  4. 思我者,執著也。
  5. 思、在之等價致生煩惱也。
The interpretations of the each proposition are as follows:
  1. Thinking is a confusion.
  2. Thinking of non-myself is a delusion.
  3. Thinking of non-non-myself is a distinction.
  4. Thinking of myself is an obsession.
  5. Regarding thinking as existence begins a vexation.


[1] 定冠詞顯示上開演繹之唯一性。 The definite article implies the uniqueness of the deduction.


The Gradient of the Will


The method "to point out a human direction," what I have said in A Direction of the Metahypotheses, is as follows:
使主體透過後設基準進行觀察時,發現一切人之活動均處於哥德爾界限之開區間所框設之螺旋辯證舞台,而使上開主體自身意志在存續期間內之任何時空均具有梯度,若且唯若,使上開主體基於上開觀察所得之回饋將自身意志重建為連續函數。 Let a subject, observing through the Metastandard, to discover that, all human activities are on the spirally dialectical stage installed within the open interval over Godel's boundary, thus let the will of the subject to be always with a gradient in any space-time it survives, if and only if, let the subject, basing on the feedback received from the observation, to reconstructs his will to a continuous function.


The Only Interpretation of Eternal Return

週期地[1]選定後設基準,遞迴地測定特定主體[2]之總知識[3],並動態地界定哥德爾界限,俾在每瞬間見證超人[4]之生滅[5],而一瞥隙間之夢。 Mechanically[1] choose the Metastandard recursively measure the total knowledge[3] of a certain subject[2], and dynamically define Godel's Boundary, in order to witness in every moment the birth and the death[4] of an overman[4], shooting a glance at the hope surviving in the tiny crack.


[1] 即虛無地。 That is, nihilistically.
[2] 可為個體或群體。 It can be an individual or a group.
[3] 透過確認多元軸及其臨界點。 It is by confirming the variety axes and their critical points.
[4] 即尼采所謂之超人。 It is referred to Nietzsche's overman.
[5] 存在者在此瞬間之超人性,在次瞬間被納入後設基準。 Since the being's overman property at this moment will be included into the metastandard at the next moment.