[The Metahypotheses] The Detailed Interpretation of Buddha
Here I detailedly interpretation of Buddha as follows:
"The formal definition of Buddha is as follows":
The formality means the appearance, and it is opposite to the substance. The substance means the content, and here we refer it to Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi in Sanskrit, which means the supreme perfect enlightenment. I am just a common person, and do I have any good character or any good knowledge to speak of the substance of Buddha? No way, without doubt. So I can only discover something superficial from the sutras.
"One is Buddha, if and only if he knows the definition of Buddha":
"If and only if" is a logical operator for two equivalent sentences. One who understands Buddha becomes Buddha, but only Buddha understands Buddha, so these two sentences are equivalent. The definition is a circular definition. The circular definition is neither a trick nor a mystery, but it is so since we, common people, are obstructed by delusions, thus keep away from the truth.
"Excepted as ... one cannot ... ":
The sentences after "excepted as" is the requirements to nirvana. The double negative is to emphasize the uniqueness of the requirements.
"With certain reasons oneself shows his will to power forcing his will to power itself to decay":
The showing of the will to power is the result, which is caused by the reasons. The good reasons make one show a good will. The good will is only a temporarily good will, rather than a perfectly good will. However, it leads one into a good direction. Oneself is not limited to livings, but includes non-livings, such as the sun and the moon, the mountains and the rivers. A being exists by standing in the world, which means it resists change, and pursues eternity. The theory of the will to power is originated from Nietzsche. Since a will to power drives every being, we can summarize the intentions of beings or of non-beings.
"Arranging a causal mode with the fragments drawn from the decay of his will to power":
The theory of the decay originated from nuclear physics, with the word, a will to power decaying to fragments is analogical to an atom decaying to tiny particles. The causal mode here is limited to a circumstance full of good wills. Why is it necessary to arrange a causal mode? Since the will to power, during its decay, cannot drive itself along the correct direction, and if one does not arrange a circumstance full of good wills, he will certainly get lost in the fancy world. Since it is he who wishes himself saved, he shall, of course, arrange the causal mode with his own fragments of his will to power.
"Escorting himself to return to zero gravity in Minkowski's spacetime":
"Break through Godel's boundary":
"Being at least with Wittgenstein's horizon to have a glimpse of the substantial definition of Buddha":
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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佛之形式上定義如次: 知且恰知佛定義者為佛[1]。 |
The formal definition of Buddha is as follows: One is Buddha, if and only if he knows the definition of Buddha. |
除因自身湧現強力意志力迫上開強力意志自我衰變,以其衰變之碎片布置因果模態,以護送自身在閔可夫斯基時空中重力歸零外,不可突破哥德爾界限而至少以維特根斯坦視野窺見佛之實質上定義,即無上正等菩提。 | Excepted as with certain reasons oneself shows his will to power forcing his will to power itself to decay, arranging a causal mode with the fragments drawn from the decay of his will to power, escorting himself to return to zero gravity in Minkowski's spacetime, one cannot break through Godel's boundary, being at least with Wittgenstein's horizon to have a glimpse of the substantial definition of Buddha, Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi. |
[1] | 為佛,即為佛之行。上開定義知佛即為佛,乃知行合一也。 | "One is Buddha" means he acts as Buddha. We define knowing Buddha is exactly acting as Buddha, for knowledge and action shall be one. |
Constant Horizon Principles

評價者視野,係由評價者本徵函數容量決定。 | An appraiser's horizon is determined by the capacity of the appraiser's eigenfunction. |
行為既肇於自他行為之因果,非將上開因果納入視野,不得評價之。 | Since one's behavior is caused by the causality arisen from his and others' behaviors, we may evaluate it, only if we include the causality into our horizon. |
行為之評價,除依法[1]對行為之一部或全部為羈束評價外,應依法定限制條件[2]圈選相當因果[3]範圍以恰填滿視野,就上開行為在上開視野中所占比例裁量之。 | An appraiser shall not only according to the laws[1] restrictively evaluate the whole or a part of a behavior, but also according to the boundary conditions of the laws[2] delimit the sufficient causal[3] region, such that his horizon is completely fill with the region, then by measuring the proportion occupied by the behavior in his horizon evaluate the behavior. |
[1] | 係形式之分割。 | It is of a formal division. |
[2] | 係實質之包絡。 | It is of a substantial inclusion. |
[3] | 參〈暗示〉之[1]。 | Refer to [1] in The Suggestion. |
The Reincarnation of the Empty

因一念不覺[1]割裂空[2]之一部所生之對立[3],經無限自遞迴抵達後設層疊之最高層者,可發現原空雖已粉碎[4],新空卻已臨在。惟兩者既無差別,故曰空之循環,爰僅須就捷徑為上下樓之選擇。 | The opposite[3] arisen from the confusion[1] which splits a part away from the empty[2], through infinite self-recursion, arriving in the highest layer of the metalayers, will find out even if the old empty is crushed[4], the new empty is yet presented. However, since the new one and the old one are without difference, we call the phenomenon the reincarnation of the empty. In consequence, we may only measure the shortcut to the empty to decide to go upward or to go downward. |
[1], [2], [3] | 上開等自在者均可相容表示。 | The self-existences can be consistently expressed. |
[3] | 即阿賴耶識。 | It is just oneself's Arayashiki. |
[4] | 蓋經無限割裂。 | Since it is through infinite split process. |
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