吾之心性進化以至於此刻有悲傷之事而悲傷之,次刻有喜樂之事而喜樂之。反之亦然。 | My mind has evolved into a way that I can be sad when there is sadness at this moment, while can become happy when there is happiness at the next moment. Vice versa. |
使此刻之悲傷與次刻之喜樂,一分為二,截然獨立,毫不混同。 | The sadness at this moment and the happiness at the next moment are separated into two independent feelings and will not interfere each other. |
否則悲傷之多淹沒喜樂之少,如何生活? | Otherwise, how can I live in such a world that sadness always overwhelms happiness? |