Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Darkness in the Future

雖然現在已經很黑暗了,但未來還會更黑暗,直到什麼也看不見,甚至無法看為止。 We know that it is very dark now, but it will be further darker in the future, until we cannot see anything, and cannot even see anymore.


Thinking about Why a Coffee Shop is Suitable for Doing Works

在辦公室,會有拘謹之感,而不欲做工作。 At office, we may feel tension, and thus are unwilling to do works.
在家雖然自在,但會打開奇怪的東西而分神,無法做工作。 At home, we may feel free, but may also open strange things that distracts us, and thus cannot do works.
在咖啡店既自在,又不可打開奇怪的東西,以維持文青的形象,即可專心做工作,故甚適合。 At an coffee shop, we may feel free, as well as will not open strange things, in consideration of keeping our hipster appearance, and thus can concentrate on doing works. This is why a coffee shop is a suitable place.


Novel Schizophrenic Living

吾之心性進化以至於此刻有悲傷之事而悲傷之,次刻有喜樂之事而喜樂之。反之亦然。 My mind has evolved into a way that I can be sad when there is sadness at this moment, while can become happy when there is happiness at the next moment. Vice versa.
使此刻之悲傷與次刻之喜樂,一分為二,截然獨立,毫不混同。 The sadness at this moment and the happiness at the next moment are separated into two independent feelings and will not interfere each other.
否則悲傷之多淹沒喜樂之少,如何生活? Otherwise, how can I live in such a world that sadness always overwhelms happiness?


The Epilogue of Logic

願一切事物皆有邏輯可循,而不可得。 I ever hoped that everything follows logic, but I realized that it is impossible.
乃願自己一切事物皆有邏輯可循。 So now, I just hope that my everything follows logic.
其他無邏輯者,再不探究。 I will no more even try to understand those non-logical things.


Discovering the Ultimate Goal of the Metahypotheses

《後設猜想》的條文描述的是永恆不變的真理。不過,追求永恆不變的真理,並不是後設猜想的最終目的。而是使我們在履行後設猜想時,獲得主觀上永恆不變。直到有朝一日,客觀上持續變化終於壓垮主觀上永恆不變為止。 The articles of the Metahypotheses describe eternal truths. However, the pursuit of the eternal truths is not the ultimate goal of of the Metahypotheses. It instead allows us to obtain subjectively eternal unchange when executing the Metahypotheses. It will lose its effect when one day, the objectively continuous change finally overwhelms the subjectively eternal unchange.


Illusion of Compresence

天下無不散之筵席,古有俗諺。 No party last forever, said the ancients.
惟因網路,雖筵席散去,賓客尚有共在之假象。主人無意識悲離之事實,獨處原地,舉杯於無聲之幻影。益顯落寞。 However, the Internet makes an illusion where even though the party is over, it seems that the guests are still compresent there. The host does not realize the fact of the sorrow parting, staying alone in the party place, toasting to the silent phantoms. What a loneliest scene.


Alienation of Career

已確知材料之來源亦已確知成品之去向者,為無異化。 A worker is doing a non-alienated work if he knows everything about the source of the material and the destination of the product.
不確知材料之來源或不確知成品之去向者,為小異化。 A worker is doing a slightly alienated work if he does not know everything about the source of the material and the destination of the product.
確不知材料之來源亦確不知成品之去向者,為大異化。 A worker is doing a seriously alienated work if he knows nothing about the source of the material and the destination of the product.


The Sorrow of the Existence Proof

斯時,未經驗即見屆時之貌,則未知之趣當下消滅,而經驗之樂自始不生。祇有得證之喜剎現於飛秒之間,聊以寬心。 The existence proof refers to the case where you have already seen the future at the present without experiencing the process of life. In that case, the fun of unknown disappears at the time, and the delight of experience never appears from the beginning. Anyway, you may find the sudden pleasure in femtoseconds when the proof is done, as your only comfort.