Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Honest Way of Living

有些人習於隱瞞、模糊、或扭曲事實來做事。 Some people are used to concealing, obscuring, or distorting facts in their lives.
狡猾的人這麼做是以為自己可占到便宜;無知的人這麼做是以為誠實會招來麻煩。其結果,占到小便宜,失去大便宜;躲過小麻煩,招來大麻煩。這些都是愚蠢的表現。 A sly person does this because he thinks that he can get a profit; an ignorant person does this because he thinks that he will suffer a trouble because of his honesty. Finally, one gets a small profit but loses a big profit; one avoids a small trouble but suffers a big trouble. These are stupid behaviors.
聰明的人懂得坦然是最便利的處世之道。 A smart person knows that honesty is the most convenient way of living.
然而,坦然的先決條件是有自保的武器,遇到壞人利用我們的坦然來傷害我們的時候,反擊它;必要時,摧毀它。 However, a precondition of honesty is a weapon for self protection. When a bad person uses our honesty to hurt us, we shall fight back, and destroy him, if necessary.


Enemy at This Moment, Friend at That Moment

人之言行,固有百態。 People speak and act in various ways.
以一部善而全善之,不智。以一部惡而全惡之,不智。 It is not a wise decision either to accept everything of one person for his single good deed, or to refuse everything of one person for his single bad deed.
以一時善而恆善之,不智。以一時惡而恆惡之,不智。 It is not a wise decision either to accept one person forever for his good deed at one moment, or to refuse one person forever for his bad deed at one moment.
隨時觀察,應為敵時,敵之;應為友時,友之,始為正解。 We shall always treat one person as our enemy when he is detrimental to us, and as our friend when he is beneficial to us, based on our real-time observation.


Happiness without a Purpose

生命於不知目的前,可享無目的之樂,不可享有目的之樂。 Before we understand the meaning of "purpose", we can enjoy the happiness without a purpose, but cannot enjoy happiness with a purpose.
生命於知目的後,可享有目的之樂,難以享無目的之樂。蓋目的自無至有易,自有至無難。 After we understand the meaning of "purpose", we can enjoy happiness with a purpose, but hardly enjoy happiness without a purpose, because it is easy to seek a purpose but hard to leave a purpose.