There are several kinds of legal expressions:
民眾正因為不熟悉法律的表達方式,就被法律文字遊戲玩弄。 | People are often tricked by legal word games, since they are unfamiliar with these legal expressions. |
正面概括例如: 「誰都可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,男人和女人都可以參加。 |
A positive generalization is like: "Everyone can join this party." In this case, men and women are both allowed. |
正面列舉例如: 「女人可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人可以參加,並無疑義,但並沒有說男人就不可以參加。到底男人可不可以參加,就要再確認。 |
A positive enumeration is like: "Women can join this party." In this case, women are allowed without doubt, but it does not explicitly forbid the men's admission, which is to be further checked. |
正面限制例如: 「只有女人可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人可以,而男人不可以參加。 |
A positive restriction is like: "Only women can join this party." In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed. |
正面但書例如: 「誰都可以參加此派對。但男人不在此限。」 這種情況,女人可以,而男人不可以參加。 |
A positive exception is like: "Everyone can join this party, except for men." In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed. |
正面排除例如: 「除了女人之外,誰都可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人不可以,而男人可以參加。 |
A negative exclusion is like: "Everyone other than women can join this party." In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed. |
負面概括例如: 「誰都不可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,男人和女人都不可以參加。 |
A negative generalization is like: "No one can join this party." In this case, neither men nor women are allowed. |
負面列舉例如: 「女人不可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人不可以參加,並無疑義,但並沒有說男人就可以參加。到底男人可不可以參加,就要再確認。 |
A negative enumeration is like: "Women cannot join this party." In this case, women are not allowed without doubt, but it does not explicitly forbid men's admission, which is to be further checked. |
負面限制例如: 「只有女人不可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人不可以,而男人可以參加。 |
A negative restriction is like: "Only women cannot join this party." In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed. |
負面但書例如: 「誰都不可以參加此派對。但男人不在此限。」 這種情況,女人不可以,而男人可以參加。 |
A negative exception is like: "No one can join this party, except for men." In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed. |
負面排除例如: 「除了女人之外,誰都不可以參加此派對。」 這種情況,女人可以,而男人不可以參加。 |
A negative exclusion is like: "No one other than women can join this party." In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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Several Kinds of Legal expressions
Laughter Threshold
笑點低的人可以讓自己和說笑話的人都快樂,營造雙贏。 | A person having a low laughter threshold can easily make himself and the joker happy, creating a win-win situation. |
笑點高的人則無此社會效益。 | While, a person having a high laughter threshold cannot provide such social benefit. |
無論如何,最差勁的,是將危險或傷害當作笑點者。 | However, the worst one is a joke of danger or harm. |
人的記憶是極不可靠的。 | Human memory is extremely unreliable. |
一個人連昨天吃過什麼、喝過什麼都記不清楚了,更遙遠的記憶就更不用說了。 | A person can remember clearly neither what he ate nor what he drank yesterday. His distant memories can be even unclear. |
一群人的相同記憶還是不可靠的,因為人們經常產生人云亦云的集體幻覺。 | The same memory of a group of people is still unreliable, because people are often infected with a collective illusion to follow the herd. |
因此,以記憶為基礎的口供也是不可靠的,用來作為定罪的根據,實在太危險了。 | Therefore, a confession based on memory is also unreliable. It is too dangerous to obtain a conviction according to such an unreliable thing. |
我認為,口供的用處就是引導物證的發現,只有物證的特徵與口供的敘述一致,罪證才臻於明確。 | In my opinion, a confession shall be only used to guide the discovery of a material evidence. A crime is proved only when the features of a material evidence meet with the content of the confession. |
只要缺少物證,被告就應該無罪釋放。 | Without a material evidence, the defendant shall be acquitted. |
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