Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Animal Laborans

漢娜‧鄂蘭於《人之條件》最末節所稱「勞動動物」,與書名所稱「人」有別[1],固無疑義。 The term "animal laborans" Hannah Arendt used in the last section of The Human Condition shall be distinguished from the term "human" she used in the title of the book[1].
現實之中,人之所以為人之活動,苟隨勞動動物之所欲,無不降格,乃人之條件,付之烏有。 In our experience in the reality, the activities showing human values are always degraded as participated by animal laborans. In this way, no human condition can be retained.
是勞動動物對於該等活動,不得作為主體;已誤為主體而為行為者,宣告其行為無效。 Thus, animal laborans is not allowed to participate in such activities. An action mistakenly conducted by animal laborans shall be declared legally invalid.


[1] 勞動動物與人有別云者,非謂兩者不可同屬單一個體。 The sentence "animal laborans shall be distinguished from human" does not mean the two cannot be in an individual.


The Consolation from the Theory of Three Period of Life


A causal singularity in the present life is detrimental to the completeness of rationality, so there introduces the Theory of Three Period of Life to create an extension of the spacetime, based on the Principle of Relativity, such that the causal singularity belongs to a smooth causal function therein, so as to console people's heart according to the consistent rationality.


Information Envelope

集合縱含有實在,仍非實在。 A set, even if it contains a substance, is still not a substance.
資訊封包既集合後設層疊之映射,其後設資格者不存在時,即失附麗以致消滅。 An information envelope, being a set of mappings of metalayers, when losing its metaqualifier, loses it dependency, resulting in its vanishment.
資訊封包,係以罹於不存在後設資格者之資訊量作為閥值而定義之。 An information envelope is defined by a threshold, which is the amount of information critical for a metaqualifier to exist for it.
集合,其資訊量未減至上開閥值,或已逾之者,不認為資訊封包。 A set before its amount of information decreases to or after that increases beyond said threshold, is not deemed an information envelope.


The Uncertainty of Will

意志已生之〈世界上存在性〉恆不生確定力。 The existed worldly existence of a will never results in a prejudicial effect.
已生世界上存在性之意志因表示不完全或一部不相容於世界致其結果不確定於世界。 Even if a will is of a world existence, if it is expressed incompletely to or partially inconsistently with the world, the result thereof remains uncertain to the world.
表示完全不相容於世界者,與未表示於世界者同。 An expression completely inconsistent with the world is deemed no expression to the world.