所謂的資本,不是指資金,而是指生產工具。 |
The term "capital", does not mean fund, but instrument of production. |
生產工具的益處,就是節省勞力。 |
Instruments of production provide merit of labor-saving. |
如果一個人沒有任何生產工具,他就必須辛苦地採集、捕獵才能生存。 |
If a person does not own any instrument of production, he must survives hard by collecting and hunting. |
如果一個人有了農地,他只需要播種,等待收成,就能輕鬆生存。當然,他可以耕耘,取得豐收。 |
If a person owns a piece of farmland, he just sows, and waits for harvest, then he easily survives. Of course, he may till to get a bumper harvest. |
如果一個人有了耕耘機,他連耕耘的勞力也節省了,卻同樣取得豐收。 |
If a person owns a tiller, he still gets a bumper harvest, while he saves his labor of tilling. |
此處,農地、耕耘機,就是典型的資本。 |
Here, the farmland and the tiller are classical instruments of production. |
節省勞力,就是人類進步的所在。 |
Labor-saving is regarded as a kind of human progress. |
可是,這在資本主義下,只是假象。 |
However, this is an illusion in Capitalism. |
顯然,農地、耕耘機等生產工具,不是天上掉下來的禮物,而是透過「等價交易」取得的。 |
Obviously, instruments of production such as the farmland and the tiller are not gifts from the heaven. We get them by "equivalent trading". |
在這樁交易中,生產工具的價值,恰好等於它所節省的勞力。 |
In such a trade, the value of the instrument of production is exactly equal to the labor it saves. |
為了日後節省勞力,而事先墊付勞力,結果根本沒有節省勞力。人類毫無進步,反而繞了遠路。 |
In order to save labor in future, we pay our labor in advance. In summary, there is no labor-saving. Human makes no progress, but a detour. |
只要處在資本主義的等價交易的制度下,這個結果就不會改變。 |
Under Capitalism's equivalent trading system, we cannot change the result. |
所以馬克思才認為必須透過「暴力革命」,搶奪資本家的生產工具,交由全民共享。 |
This is why Marx considered "violent revolution" to plunder the capitals from the capitalists to the community. |
這就是共產主義的起源。 |
And this is the origin of communism. |