Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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A Simply Quantitative Thinking for Capitalistic Suffering

所謂的資本,不是指資金,而是指生產工具。 The term "capital", does not mean fund, but instrument of production.
生產工具的益處,就是節省勞力。 Instruments of production provide merit of labor-saving.
如果一個人沒有任何生產工具,他就必須辛苦地採集、捕獵才能生存。 If a person does not own any instrument of production, he must survives hard by collecting and hunting.
如果一個人有了農地,他只需要播種,等待收成,就能輕鬆生存。當然,他可以耕耘,取得豐收。 If a person owns a piece of farmland, he just sows, and waits for harvest, then he easily survives. Of course, he may till to get a bumper harvest.
如果一個人有了耕耘機,他連耕耘的勞力也節省了,卻同樣取得豐收。 If a person owns a tiller, he still gets a bumper harvest, while he saves his labor of tilling.
此處,農地、耕耘機,就是典型的資本。 Here, the farmland and the tiller are classical instruments of production.
節省勞力,就是人類進步的所在。 Labor-saving is regarded as a kind of human progress.
可是,這在資本主義下,只是假象。 However, this is an illusion in Capitalism.
顯然,農地、耕耘機等生產工具,不是天上掉下來的禮物,而是透過「等價交易」取得的。 Obviously, instruments of production such as the farmland and the tiller are not gifts from the heaven. We get them by "equivalent trading".
在這樁交易中,生產工具的價值,恰好等於它所節省的勞力。 In such a trade, the value of the instrument of production is exactly equal to the labor it saves.
為了日後節省勞力,而事先墊付勞力,結果根本沒有節省勞力。人類毫無進步,反而繞了遠路。 In order to save labor in future, we pay our labor in advance. In summary, there is no labor-saving. Human makes no progress, but a detour.
只要處在資本主義的等價交易的制度下,這個結果就不會改變。 Under Capitalism's equivalent trading system, we cannot change the result.
所以馬克思才認為必須透過「暴力革命」,搶奪資本家的生產工具,交由全民共享。 This is why Marx considered "violent revolution" to plunder the capitals from the capitalists to the community.
這就是共產主義的起源。 And this is the origin of communism.


Capitalistic Black Hole

後設猜想既不討論,也不意圖討論發達資本的點子,或者更直白地,賺錢的門道。 The Metahypotheses do neither discuss nor intent to discuss ideas of developing capital, or more straightforward, ways of making money.
因為事物一旦進入資本主義的循環,就變得十分惱人,並且迅速凋亡。 Because when a thing joins the circulation of Capitalism, it becomes annoying and decays quickly.
如今,資本主義已經過於壯大,事物難逃其魔掌。它不斷將事物捲入其中,推擠、扭曲、壓榨、吸收、耗盡,猶如黑洞。 Now, Capitalism has been too strong for things to escape from it. It keeps drawing things into it, pressing, distort, squeezing, absorbing and exhausting them, as what a black hole does.
甚至,當既有的事物都耗盡後,它會創造新事物,以更新這個絕望的漩渦。 Moreover, when all existing things are exhausted, it will create new things, to refresh this despairing vortex.
因此,我將資本主義稱為:後設煩惱源。 Thus, I call Capitalism: a meta anxiety source.