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第1篇第2章第6節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.2, Section.6 |
現象⊃個體⊃生物 |
Phenomena⊃Individual⊃Creature |
§ 1 |
生命,係個體本徵函數在閔可夫斯基時空中之映射。 |
A life is a map of an individual eigenfunction in Minkowski's spacetime. |
§ 2 |
I |
生物,係為前條映射之物。 |
A creature is a thing making the map in the preceding article. |
II |
生物,於開始為前條映射時出生;於終止為前條映射時死亡。 |
A creature is born when start making the map in the preceding article; it is dead when stop making the map in the preceding article. |
§ 3 |
I |
中樞,係生物為自我之映射之一部。 |
A central system is a part of a creature which making a map of a self. |
II |
軀體,係生物除中樞外之一部。 |
A body is the part of creature out of its central system. |
§ 4 |
- 受限於該生物之中樞。
- 該生物死亡。
- 客觀上不能。
A creature's body maintains, reproduces or imitates said body, except in one of the following conditions:
- It is limited to the creature's central system.
- The creature is dead.
- It is objectively unable.
§ 5 |
維持、重製或仿製自我所得之結果均為仿製自我。 |
Maintaining, reproducing or imitating a self only results in an imitated self. |