Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Four Principles of Civilized Country

文明國家,以自由、民生、民主、法治為四大原則,而以自由為終極的依歸,至於民生、民主、法治,都是為了自由而存在。 A civilized country has four principles, liberty, welfare, democracy and constitution. Liberty is our ultimate target, while welfare, democracy and constitution are all for liberty.
我們追求自由,但若沒有民生,則生活勞苦,何來自由呢? We pursue liberty, but without welfare, lives will be poverty, not to mention liberty.
若沒有民主,則資源壟斷,何來民生呢? Without democracy, resources will be monopolized, not to mention welfare.
若沒有法治,則人情牽拖,何來民主呢? Without constitution, treatments will be unfair, not to mention democracy.
透過以上的反詰,我們了解:為了自由,才需要民生;為了民生,才需要民主;為了民主,才需要法治。四大原則有因果關係。 Thus, we conclude by contradiction that, we need welfare for liberty; we need democracy for welfare; we need constitution for democracy. There are relations among the four principles.
然而,為了法治,不免犧牲極小部分的自由、民生、民主,但完全犧牲,就本末倒置了。 However, we cannot avoid sacrificing a little liberty, welfare and democracy for constitution, but it is wrong to sacrifice all of them.
為了民主,不免犧牲極小部分的自由、民生,但完全犧牲,就本末倒置了。 We cannot avoid sacrificing a little liberty and welfare for democracy, but it is wrong to sacrifice all of them.
為了民生,不免犧牲極小部分的自由,但完全犧牲,就本末倒置了。 We cannot avoid sacrificing a little liberty for welfare, but it is wrong to sacrifice all of it.
四大原則,有其順序,不容顛倒錯亂。 The four principles is ordered shall be ordered in this way.
