Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Everlasting Despair

對以怨報德者,施加損害,或剝奪權利於焉,使陷於肉體上悲慘,又摧毀所有希望,而隱瞞於當事人,令保有精神寄託,以為存有救濟途徑,遂任憑當事人於相當期間內,為肉體上抵抗,或精神上掙扎,而在期間屆滿時,告諸希望之自始不存在,及一切之徒勞,則其精神必受重創,在肉體苟活之朝夕間,自永劫於絕望。 To the person who requites kindness with enmity, suppose we apply damages to or deprive the rights from him, letting him be in the physical misery, as well as covering the fact that we have already destroyed all of his hopes, for him to remain a mental reliance which refers to a possibility of remedy, and after that, we let the person, in a reasonable period, try to save himself by physical struggling or mental striving, but when the period expires, we inform him that, there has never been any hope, and that his efforts have been all in vain, we can heavily strike his mentality, and drop him into the everlasting despair, which will henceforth be along with his poor life.
