Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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On Big Data

人類行為之因果模態僅經個體自由意志繞射者,仍可能收斂,而蘊含上開行為之轉移函數。 A causal mode of a human behavior only diffracted by an individual free will is still possible to converge and imply the transfer function of said behavior.
在人類行為之大數據分析中,因果模態除經繞射外,業經其他個體自由意志干涉,使行為之因果模態重疊範圍逾相當因果解析極限,則上開分析恆不可能實證其變數分析,自無用於行為之操作。 In the big data analysis of human behaviors, a causal mode is not only diffracted but also interfered by other individual free wills, so the overlapped regions of the causal modes of the behaviors are beyond the sufficiently causal resolution limit, thus, said analysis is impossible to positivize its variable analysis, and is useless for behavior operation.


The Level of Language[1]

語言[2],在抽象化程度上,有高階、低階之分。但語言階級,不足以反映出該語言的難度、深度或廣度。 Languages[2] are distinguished, by their levels of abstraction, into higher-level ones and lower-level ones. However, the level of a language is not necessarily showing its difficulty, depth or scope.
一人學習高階語言所需的智商及精力,並不亞於學習低階語言所需者;其中,該等語言階級是相對於該人的母語階級而言。 A person cannot count on less intelligence and effort to learn a higher-level language than to learn a lower-level language; wherein the levels of the two languages are comparing with the level of the person's mother language.


[1] 本文宗旨,在於樹立討論的基礎,而在自然科學或人文科學上,或在學界或業界中,建構無歧視的思想環境。 This article is to establish a fundamental for discussion, in order to construct an thought environment free of discrimination, in natural science or humanities, or in academia or practice.
[2] 包括:自然語言及人工語言。 Which include: natural languages and constructed languages.


Small and Solitary

人於團體,甚微小而孤獨。 A person in a group is small and solitary.
人於群眾,甚微小而孤獨。 A person in a crowd is small and solitary.
人於社會,甚微小而孤獨。 A person in a society is small and solitary.
人於世界,甚微小而孤獨。 A person in the world is small and solitary.
人於天地間、群星間、宇宙間,甚微小而孤獨。 A person between the heaven and the earth, among stars, and in the universe, is small and solitary.
人於虛空…… A person in the empty ...


The Value of Personality

在至少第一後設層中,非曾展現於公領域而為在場者所見證者,即非實在。 In at least first metalayer, a thing is unreal, if it has never shown up in the public field, and as a result, never been witnessed by the presences.
一人之生活被認定為無價,若且唯若其生活不為他人之生活片段之線性組合。 A person's life is deemed priceless, if and only if his life is not a linear combination of others' life clips.
在特定時空中,一人之生活雖為他人之生活片段之線性組合,以該組合在該時空中具有唯一性為限,仍不被認定為無價值。 In a certain spacetime, even if a person's life is a linear combination of other's life chips, his life is not deemed valueless, only if said combination is unique in said spacetime.


The Everlasting Despair

對以怨報德者,施加損害,或剝奪權利於焉,使陷於肉體上悲慘,又摧毀所有希望,而隱瞞於當事人,令保有精神寄託,以為存有救濟途徑,遂任憑當事人於相當期間內,為肉體上抵抗,或精神上掙扎,而在期間屆滿時,告諸希望之自始不存在,及一切之徒勞,則其精神必受重創,在肉體苟活之朝夕間,自永劫於絕望。 To the person who requites kindness with enmity, suppose we apply damages to or deprive the rights from him, letting him be in the physical misery, as well as covering the fact that we have already destroyed all of his hopes, for him to remain a mental reliance which refers to a possibility of remedy, and after that, we let the person, in a reasonable period, try to save himself by physical struggling or mental striving, but when the period expires, we inform him that, there has never been any hope, and that his efforts have been all in vain, we can heavily strike his mentality, and drop him into the everlasting despair, which will henceforth be along with his poor life.