Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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3-1-3 寂滅者
Nirvanic One

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第3篇第1章第3節 Volume.3, Chapter.1, Section.3
寂滅⊃妙有⊃寂滅者 Nirvana⊃Wondrous Existence⊃Nirvanic One
§ 1 空之左極限處,為寂滅處。 Where at the empty's left limit is the nirvanic place.
§ 2 寂滅處之幾何性質,無上下左右前後之分。 The geometric properties of the nirvanic place cannot be distinguished by top and bottom, left and right, or front and rear.
§ 3 資訊在通過寂滅處時,不發生滯留,而發生纏結。 The information passing through the nirvanic place will not be trapped, but entangled.
§ 4 I 在寂滅處者,寂滅。 One at the nirvanic place is nirvanic.
II 一旦寂滅者,不可不寂滅。 Once one is nirvanic, he remains nirvanic henceforth.
§ 5 寂滅者,既非主體,亦非客體,處於存在及不存在之妙有狀態。 A nirvanic one is neither a subject nor an object, and is in a state of wondrous existence between existence and non-existence.
§ 6 妙有,係不確定形式之確定存在,由非構造性證明,始可證明之。 A wondrous existence is a certain existence of an uncertain form, and can be proved only by non-constructive proof.
§ 7 可觀察宇宙經寂滅者觀察,無上下左右前後之分,而展現旋轉對稱性。 In a nirvanic one's observation, the observable universe cannot be distinguished by top and bottom, left and right, or front and rear, and shows a rotational symmetry.
§ 8 I 寂滅者透過布置因果模態,使主體前往空。 A nirvanic one pushes a subject to move to the empty by arranging a causal mode.

II 主體非透過寂滅者所布置之因果模態,不可前往空。 A subject can move to the empty only by the causal mode arranged by a nirvanic one.
