Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Metalayers for a Highly Dense Society

高密度社會具有高頻率個體間碰撞,凸顯物資有限,致生人權訴求。緣此,由邏輯設定共識規範,藉以摺疊超載訴求至第一後設層,以此類推發展後設層疊,俾臆造夢想樓閣,收取安定作用。 In a highly dense society is highly frequent collision between individuals, which shows the limitation of physical resources and causes appeals for human rights. Therefore, we logically set a common norm to fold up the overloading appeals into the first metalayer and so on, to develop the metalayers, in order to settle the society as Eden.
社會全體均高於特定後設層時,得遮斷上開以下後設層疊,俾利進化。但非全體皆然時,不得為之。蓋處於高後設層者,如非具有相當智慧,可能遮斷其對低後設層疊之一瞥,致無同理心。方其時,倘剩餘價值債務人亟欲物化同類以拒絕清償,則剩餘價值債權人得引入三閥等強力加速後設層疊再構築。 If all of the social members are higher than a certain metalayer, we may shelter the metalayers below it, in order to speed up the evolution. But if someone is lower than the metalayer, we shall not do it. The reason is, those who are in a high metalayer, if without sufficient wisdom, are possible to shelter their horizon to the low metalayers, and lose their empathies. In the case the debtors to the surplus value try to objectify others in same class to avoid paying off, the debtees to the surplus value may introduce compulsion, such as the three dominative forces, to trigger the reconstruction for the metalayers.


The Capital Punishment (Part 1)

對日月山河蟲魚鳥獸等非人之屬無所謂罪刑,而罪重至死者既屬非人,遂無從定罪施刑,至於死刑亦不可得,故曰二律背反。 We cannot judge and punish any subhumans, such as the sun and the moon, the mountains and the rivers, the insects and the fishes, and the birds and the beasts, so if a criminal is guilty of death, since he is deemed a subhuman, we cannot judge and punish him, and the capital punishment is ineligible to him as well, and this is called the antonomy of the capital punishment.
其非人有害者,雖得徒之,但經審究自他人道之所在,爰予流放為最適。 To deal with a detrimental subhuman, one way is to imprison him, but with humanitarian consideration in our and in his situations, the best way is to exile him.


The Suggestion

對一人布置客觀邊界條件,使其陷入相當因果模態[1],而對其注入主觀邊界條件,使其自由意志受目的之羈束,自行破壞內部量子遮罩,即可輕易貫穿此人建立因果路徑,而力迫出預想圖。 By arranging objective boundary conditions for a person to trap him into sufficient causal modes, then by infusing subjective boundary conditions into him to restrict his free will to his own purpose, with his autosuggestion breaking his internal quantum mask, we can easily build a causal routine through the person, then force an expectancy.


[1] 相當因果,為已然;相當因果模態,為未然。 A sufficient causality is which happened, while a sufficient causal mode is which possible to happen.


The Implicit Parameter of the Ideologies

其值域具有上下界之價值函數,對全稱量化之意識形態命題之評價與對其否命題之評價如不互補,即可發現隱參數使上開兩命題不為對立命題而在多元空間中具有夾角。 By a merit function with its range between an infimum and a supremum, if the estimate on a universally quantified ideological proposition is not complementary to the estimate on its negative proposition, we can discover at least one implicit parameter, such that the two propositions are not opposite to each other, and there is an angle between them in the variety space.


The Reality of the Familiar Statuses

  1. 精神上親密。
  2. 物理上親密。
  3. 法律上親屬關係。
  4. 外觀上親密。
The following familiar statuses are possibly independent to each other:
  1. The mental familiarity.
  2. The physical familiarity.
  3. The legal family relationship.
  4. The apparent familiarity.


The Colonial Capital Maximum

經濟意識形態之形式為Cc+Ss;其中,c為單位資本主義,s為單位社會主義,C為資本額,S為群體中個體數目。 The form of economic ideology is Cs+Sc, wherein c means the unit Capitalism, s means the unit Socialism, C means the capital amount, and S is the number of the individuals in the colony.
  1. 純粹資本主義可生產資本額C達極限Cmax;其發生時,社會主義趨近於零。
  2. 純粹社會主義可造福群體中個體數目S達極限Smax;其發生時,資本主義趨近於零。
  3. 上開兩主義可能同時歸零,致經濟崩潰。
  1. The pure Capitalism produces a maximum capital amount, Cmax, and it occurs when the Socialism approaches to zero.
  2. The pure Socialism contributes to a maximum number of the individuals in the colony, Smax, and it occurs when the Capitalism approaches to zero.
  3. It is possible the two isms are both zero, and the situation is called "the economic collapse".
Then by Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, when choosing Smaxc+Cmaxs to be our economic ideology, we have the colonial capital maximum[1].


[1] 資本最大化未必係利益最大化。 A capital maximum is not necessary a interest maximum.