Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Alienation of Career

已確知材料之來源亦已確知成品之去向者,為無異化。 A worker is doing a non-alienated work if he knows everything about the source of the material and the destination of the product.
不確知材料之來源或不確知成品之去向者,為小異化。 A worker is doing a slightly alienated work if he does not know everything about the source of the material and the destination of the product.
確不知材料之來源亦確不知成品之去向者,為大異化。 A worker is doing a seriously alienated work if he knows nothing about the source of the material and the destination of the product.


The Sorrow of the Existence Proof

斯時,未經驗即見屆時之貌,則未知之趣當下消滅,而經驗之樂自始不生。祇有得證之喜剎現於飛秒之間,聊以寬心。 The existence proof refers to the case where you have already seen the future at the present without experiencing the process of life. In that case, the fun of unknown disappears at the time, and the delight of experience never appears from the beginning. Anyway, you may find the sudden pleasure in femtoseconds when the proof is done, as your only comfort.