Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Meta-anthropic Mechanism

起初,他覺得自己是人類,他擁有人性。 At first, he feels that he is a human, and he has humanity.
接著,他覺得人類是機械,他失去人性。 Then, he feels that a human is a machine, and he loses humanity.
最後,他覺得自己是機械,他揣摩人性,已知人性即為函數。 Finally, he feels that he is a machine, and he tries to understand humanity, and knows that humanity is exactly a function.
此即《後設人類機械論》辯證過程。 This is the dialectical process of the Meta-anthropic Mechanism.


Wish of One on the Higher Metalayer

於高後設層上,獨攬下景,併見美醜,已知舉措。 One stands on the higher metalayer, overlooking the lower landscape, where beautiful things and ugly things are both lying there, and he knows how to handle them.
欲眾人皆登高至此,乃物理上不可得。雖然,不失其願。 He wishes that everyone can climb onto this layer, but it is physically impossible. Even so, he still believe in it.