究應食糞,抑該吃屎,令人表態不亦難乎。故不可強人表態,足見一斑。 | Some people like to force other people to choose one from two parties, especially in political issues. However, it is unreasonable, because we can simply see difficulty in choosing one from crap and shit. |
人之不欲食糞與吃屎,何罪之有乎。 | Normal people will refuse any of crap and shit. The crap and the shit are reserved for those who like to force others. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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Choice between Crap and Shit
Metaphysical Contradiction
形而上矛盾,係指通曉萬物乃見其等根源之自始當然確定絕對矛盾者而言。 | Metaphysical contradiction refers to the initial, natural, unchangeable, and absolute contradiction of the origin of everything comprehended after knowing everything. |
形而下矛盾,係指誤以無矛盾處為矛盾處者而言。 | Physical contradiction refers to mistaking a noncontradictory part to a contradictory part. |
兩者有別,不可相提並論。 | The two concepts are different, and we shall not confuse with them. |
Political Logic Disorder
若一件事的條件具足了,此時此刻,我們即可開始執行那件事。 | If a thing has full conditions, we can begin it right now. |
若我們尚不可開始執行那件事,即表示那件事的條件尚未具足。 | If we cannot begin the thing right now, it means that it still lacks some conditions. |
若那件事的條件尚未具足,我們即應設法使其具足。 | If the thing lacks some conditions, we shall try to find them. |
若我們尚不可使那件事的條件具足,我們即應停止那件事。 | If we cannot find its lacking conditions right now, we shall stop it. |
如此單純的邏輯,牽扯到政治,就會亂了套。 | People will lose such a simple logic when they are talking about politics. |
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