Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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No Awakening Youth Existing

覺青是指覺醒的青年,而覺醒則形容從昏睡的無知狀態,忽然變成清醒的有知狀態。 The term "awakening youth" refers to a youth awakening from ignorance to wisdom in a sudden.
然而,無知到有知的正確知識,必須日積月累,並非朝夕可得。也就是說,從無知忽然變成有知,是不可能的。 However, a person who wants to progress from ignorance to wisdom must accumulate correct knowledges day by day rather than one night. In other words, a sudden progression from ignorance to wisdom is impossible.
因此,覺青不可能。 Therefore, no awakening youth is possible to exist.
充其量只有攝取錯誤知識的錯覺青,或更嚴重,幻覺青。 Finally, a person who feels himself awakening from ignorance to wisdom in a sudden is merely a youth having illusion, or seriously, hallucination.


Dialectical Individualism

純粹個人主義者,遲早因不相容於集體而消滅。 A pure individualist will certainly be eliminated because they are inconsistent with the collective.
純粹集體主義者,遲早因太相容於集體而消滅。 A pure collectivist will certainly be eliminated because they are too consistent with the collective.
故個人主義為體,集體主義為用,以保存個體之特徵,豐富宇宙之多元。 Therefore, it advocates individualism as essence and collectivism for application, in view of preserving the characteristic of the individual and thus enriching the diversity of the universe.