早期,我被動地追求所述標準答案。 | In earlier stages, I passively pursued the standard answers. |
中期,我受到某些「啟發」,不再追求所述標準答案。 | In medium stages, I no longer pursued the standard answers since I got some "inspiration". |
晚期,我主動地追求標準答案。 | In later stages, I actively pursues standard answer. |
顯然,我關於標準答案的見解,因辯證而昇華。 | Obviously, my comprehension of standard answer has evolved because of dialectic. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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Dialectic of Standard Answer
Conditions for Irrevocable Decision
就確定事實以確定要件所為之決定當然確定。 | A decision is irrevocable if made according to definite requirements and based on definite facts. |
決定不確定者,蓋事實不確定或要件不確定。 | A decision is revocable only if made according to indefinite requirements, or based on indefinite facts. |
事實不確定為外顯不完備。 | An indefinite fact is an explicit incompleteness. |
要件不確定為內涵不完備。 | An indefinite requirement is an implicit incompleteness. |
不確定但可確定者為相對不確定,可構造性證明之。 | An indefiniteness which is possible to become definite is a relative indefiniteness, which can be shown by a constructive proof. |
不確定且不可確定者為絕對不確定,僅可存在性證明之。 | An indefiniteness which is impossible to become definite is an absolute indefiniteness, which can only be shown by an existence proof. |
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