Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Commutative Property of Process

程序,其步驟順序交換而發生同一結果者,合於交換律。 A process is commutative if we can derive the same result after we change the orders of the steps of the process.
不合於交換律之程序,其步驟順序交換而疑似發生同一結果者,蓋隱含另一結果未經察覺。 Where we seems to derive the same result after we change the orders of the steps of a non-commutative process, there is actually another implicit result remaining unobserved.


Ideology and the Nazis

希特勒在1934年第六屆納粹黨大會演說中提到,納粹在最初只有七個成員時,已經有兩個原則:第一、它將是一個純粹意識形態政黨;第二、它將毫不妥協地成為德國的一支且唯一一支力量。 Hitler said, in his speech from the Sixth Nazi Party Congress in 1934 that, when the Nazis consisted only seven members, it already had two principles: first, it would be a party with a true ideology, and second, it would be, uncompromisingly, the one and only power in Germany.
因此,如果我們發現,有誰提出某些訴求,只是純粹意識形態的空想,同時加上毫不妥協的堅持,我們就要當心。 Accordingly, we have to be careful when we notice that someone pursue some rights, which are illusions of true ideology, accompanied with his uncompromising insistence.
換句話說,堅持具體可行的訴求,或妥協於暫時不可行的訴求,屬於安全範圍。 In other words, it is okay to insist a particularly available right, or to compromise on a temporally unavailable right.


Selective Enforcement

我們選擇性清潔前街,不清潔後街,至少前街清潔了,也是頂好的。前街之清潔並無任何問題,是後街之不清潔才有問題。 In case that we selectively clean the front street but not the back street, it is still good because at least the front street is cleaned. The cleaned front street is not a problem, but the problem is the uncleaned back street.
同理,選擇性執法並無任何問題,而是選擇性不執法才有問題。因此,當選擇性執法發生時,無須指摘已然之執法,而是應該督促遂行未然之執法。 Similarly, the selective enforcement is not a problem, but the problem is the selective non-enforcement. Therefore, when the government did a selective enforcement, we do not have to criticize the enforcement done, but we have to urge the government to do the enforcement expected to be done.
如此,才不會促長大家一起爛的歪風。 After all, we shall not get used to the bad custom of everybody corruption.


Logical, Physical and Legal Impossibilities

邏輯上不能者,物理上不能。 Logical impossibility implies physical impossibility.
邏輯上不能或物理上不能者,未必法律上不能。 Logical impossibility or physical impossibility do not imply legal impossibility.
但以邏輯上不能或物理上不能為法律上所能者,即為災禍。 However, it will be a disaster when we think a law possibly effective to a thing that is logically impossible or physically impossible.