希特勒在1934年第六屆納粹黨大會演說中提到,納粹在最初只有七個成員時,已經有兩個原則:第一、它將是一個純粹意識形態政黨;第二、它將毫不妥協地成為德國的一支且唯一一支力量。 |
Hitler said, in his speech from the Sixth Nazi Party Congress in 1934 that, when the Nazis consisted only seven members, it already had two principles: first, it would be a party with a true ideology, and second, it would be, uncompromisingly, the one and only power in Germany. |
因此,如果我們發現,有誰提出某些訴求,只是純粹意識形態的空想,同時加上毫不妥協的堅持,我們就要當心。 |
Accordingly, we have to be careful when we notice that someone pursue some rights, which are illusions of true ideology, accompanied with his uncompromising insistence. |
換句話說,堅持具體可行的訴求,或妥協於暫時不可行的訴求,屬於安全範圍。 |
In other words, it is okay to insist a particularly available right, or to compromise on a temporally unavailable right. |