Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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誰皆結果論者,惟不過以何為事物之結果,例如客觀或主觀結果,或固有或後設結果。 Everyone must be a Consequentialism follower. However, people may define a result of a thing in different ways. A result may be an objective result or a subjective result, or an intrinsic result or a meta-result.
過程論者,即後設結果論者。 A Proceduralism follower is a Meta-Consequentialism follower.


The Equity is Objectively Existent but Subjectively Inexistent

客觀上,只要存在分類規則,即可實現平等。 Objectively, if there are classification rules, the equity can be realized.
可是,人們不完備的內心的尺總是飄忽不定,對於客觀上已實現的平等,主觀上還是覺得不平等,而意圖變更分類規則。 However, humans always subjectively disagree the objectively realized equity, and intend to change the classification rules, because of their variable measurement in their defective hearts.
人們不完備的內心所產生的這種爭議,無解。 There is no solution for such issue induced by human's defective hearts.


Separability and inseparability between dream and career

為非夢想之職業而夢想即不可實現者,以夢想為職業。但以夢想為職業而夢想更不可實現者,不在此限。 If a person cannot realize his dream when he has a career other than his dream, he shall persue his dream as his career, except that it is even more impossible to realize his dream when he pursues his dream as his career.
為非夢想之職業而夢想非不可實現者,得為該職業;其更可實現夢想者,應為之。 If a person can realize his dream when he has a career other than his dream, he may has such career; if such career can promote his dream, he shall has such career.