純正不可理喻,又稱為絕對不可理喻,係指主體理喻客體之不可理喻而言。 | Genuine incomprehensibility, also called absolute incomprehensibility, means the object's incomprehensibility comprehended by the subject. |
不純正不可理喻,又稱為相對不可理喻,係指主體不理喻客體之可理喻而言。 | Non-genuine incomprehensibility, also called relative incomprehensibility, means the object's comprehensibility not comprehended by the subject. |
後設猜想,不屬於純正不可理喻。 | The Metahyphotheses is not genuinely incomprehensible. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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Genuine Incomprehensibility and Non-genuine Incomprehensibility
Prejudicial Effect
確定力是將不確定的事物確定下來的效力。 | A prejudicial effect is an effect which makes an undetermined matter determined. |
對於物理事物而言,它是透過觀察提供的。 | For a physical matter, it is caused by observation. |
對於精神事物而言,它是透過表達提供的。 | For a metal matter, it is caused by expression. |
事物一旦確定就不可再爭執。但經由特別程序撤銷它的確定力的情形,不在此限。 | A matter with a prejudicial effect is indisputable, except that the prejudicial effect thereof is revoked by a special procedure. |
Distinction of Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction
敘述現實所不可能之遭遇,而以科學解釋者,為科幻小說。 | A science fiction tells a story that is impossible in reality and explains it with science. |
敘述現實所不可能之遭遇,而以魔法解釋者,為奇幻小說。 | A fantasy fiction tells a story that is impossible in reality and explains it with magic. |
Classical Conservatism
古典保守主義旨在維持系統之動態有序性。所謂「古典」係指依循邏輯實證主義而言;所謂「保守」係指依循系統守恆定律而言。 |
Classical Conservatism aims to maintain the dynamic order of a system. The term "classical" means to discuss according to logical positivism, and the term "conservatism" means to discuss according to law of conservation. |
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