Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Self-Awareness about Criminal Policy

歐洲的監獄提供受刑人個人套房、廚房、健身房、電腦、電視、電動玩具等設備,受刑人享有高度「人權」。然而,歐洲的良民比受刑人過得更快活。因此,對於歐洲人,這樣的刑事政策是妥當的。 The European jails provide the prisoners with equipments such as private room, kitchen, gym, computer, television, video game, and so on. The prisoners obtain wonderful "human rights". However, the European good people have further better lives than the prisoners do. Thus, for Europeans, this kind of criminal policy is appropriate.
反觀亞洲,大部分人都過得忙碌及拮据,並將上述設備當成奢侈品。如果提供受刑人上述設備,無疑是價值顛倒。因此,歐洲的刑事政策在亞洲是不適用的。在國情改變以前勉強適用之,乃是不自量力。 In contrast, most of the Asians are busy and hard, and they regard the aforesaid equipments as luxuries. It is a value reversed that the prisoners are provided with the aforesaid equipments. Thus, the European criminal policy is not adapted in Asian. It may be a stupid decision to adapt it before the national conditions changes.