Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Justice

汝有罪!真有罪?汝被認定有罪! Thou are innocent! Really innocent? We deem thou innocent!
汝無罪!真無罪?汝被認定無罪! Thou are guilty! Really guilty? We deem thou guilty!
在「證據」的斷簡殘篇中,吾人將信念託付給「真相」! With the fragments of the "evidence", we trust the "truth"!

The Peace Memorial

血紅的囚所在歷史的自省中反白為蒼翠的公園。這印象的落差就是實在的襯底,使我們悉知和平的原料,以誓言杜絕和平的倒轉,也使我們看穿紀念的中樞,免得因歷史的抽絲剝繭而混亂了人的去向。 The bloody red prison has through a color reversion turn into the emerald green park after the historical repentence. This vivid contrast becomes the substrate of reality, for us to know the materials of peace, so that we swear to terminate the repeat of unpeace, and for us to see through the core of our memory, so that we do not lose our human direction while decomposing the history.
在這條道上,我們再不左顧右盼,而是凝視;我們再不迂迴,而是筆直;我們既不暴進也不萎退,而是漸進漸趨。我們不打算模仿可愛的蟲魚鳥獸在花草樹木間倏地穿梭,基於牠們倏地的生命。我們正在策動對立的相擁,以築起勇敢的共構,俾實踐螺旋式的上升。 On this road, we are not inattentive anymore, but concentrative; we are not roundabout anymore, but direct; we do not neither burst out nor give up, but progress step by step. We are not following those cute animals leaping over the garden suddenly, as live suddenly. We are stimulating an embrace between conflicts, to construct a bravery integration, for practicing the spiral elevation.


One Party in the Dialectic

何不一瞥馬克思身後那些被理想化的現實所掩蓋的夢,再次從悲慘的狹縫中萃取出些許的美,類比擴延出希望的整體,透過認知的昇華造就實像的固著,終而將自己裹覆在唯心的樂園呢? Why shall we not take a look behind Marx at the dreams covered up by the idealized reality, extract again from the slit of misery a bit of beauty, extend with analog the entire hope, and steady through the cognition elevation the real image, to clothe ourselves ultimately in the idealistic Elysium?

The Freedom

一人之自由,以他人得拒絕涉入者為限[1]。 A person's freedom shall be limited to the boundary where other people may refuse to involve in[1].


[1] 本規定非針對個體之自由,係針對群體之自由,故不得拒絕之。 The provision is not against an individual's freedom, but a colony's freedom, so no one may refuse it.


  1. 自相矛盾。
  2. 故弄玄虛。
  3. 多愁善感。
An argument with one of the following properties does not belong to philosophy:
  1. Inconsistency.
  2. Mystery.
  3. Sentiment.


The Self Phenomena

自我於一念不覺時認阿賴耶識為大圖靈機。 A confused self regards Arayashiki to be the universal Turning machine.
其於大圖靈機中,係連結特定演算法與特定資料庫之函數,而佔有大圖靈機之特定記憶體,並於其喪失與上開演算法或與上開資料庫之連結時宣告今生之消滅。 He is a function linked to a certain algorithm and a certain database in the universal Turning machine, occupies a certain memory space of the universal Turning machine, and claims his present life termination when he losses the link to the algorithm or to the database.

The Ignorance

The word "ignorance" is defined as follows:
A person is deemed ignorant, if and only if he lacks information, and causes a disadvantage in consequence.[1][2]


[1] 無知成立之要件,不僅必須缺乏資訊,更必須因此遭受不利益。是故,一人若僅缺乏資訊,但未因此遭受不利益,則不被認定為無知。
Not only information lack but also disadvantage occurrence shall be the requirement for ignorance to happen. Therefore, a person shall not be deem ignorant, if he just lacks information, but does not cause a disadvantage in consequence.
[2] 本文定義乃將無知成立之要件侷限於當事人之主觀價值觀。察世上資訊無量無邊,自不可能無所不知,且人人各有所長,資訊乃無高下之分,即無絕對必要性,而就當事人之主觀價值觀始可認定其相對必要性。若一人於試圖達成特定目的時,必須具備特定資訊而不具備之,則此人勢必無法達成該目的,而致使自身遭受不利益,此時始得認定此人為無知。
The definition in this article is to limit the requirement for ignorance to happen to the subjective values of the person involved. Since there is a large number of information in the world, we are impossible to be omniscient at all, and since every trade has its master, which means the information is not comparable, we cannot specify that any information is absolutely necessary, but deem it relatively necessary only in view of the subjective values of the person involved. If a person tries to reach a certain goal which he lacks a certain ability to reach, and he finally fails to reach it, causing damage for himself in consequence, only in this condition can we deem the person an ignorant person.

The Poetic Hesitation

詩人總是在因凝想所引起的資訊爆炸而必然採取的邏輯圖像投影所帶來的瑕疵與瑕疵美之間反覆斟酌而停滯不前。 A poet are stopped, pondering over and over whether to adopt an imperfect perfection due to the logical picture projection necessary for handling the information explosion caused by his meditation.

The Motive of Metahypotheses

因必然之慨然與偶然之茫然致油然之想當然,固然超然於自然之井然,果不其然令未然有盎然之豁然。 The idea growing up from the melancholy fate and the mazy fortune is beyond the natural laws of course, and fully enlightens the future in consequence.

Scientific Revolution Declaration

科學家應捨棄一己之私集思廣益開發一套人工智慧,網羅不確定命題而以遞迴更新方式無限逼近完備公理系統,並應透過學閥、財閥、軍閥等力量勸誘全國人民締結社會契約同意以上開人工智慧為判斷一切權利義務關係之唯一準據,俾利理想國之生成。 All scientists shall unselfishly implement by synectics an artificial intelligence, for collecting undecidable theses and infinitely approaching a complete axiom system by recursive updates, and shall persuade people through the dominative forces in academy, in commerce, in military, or in other fields, in order to conclude a social contract in which the artificial intelligence becomes the only criterion to measure all relationships between rights and obligations, on purpose to found the Republic.