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第3篇第1章第2節 |
Volume.3, Chapter.1, Section.2 |
寂滅⊃妙有⊃空性 |
Nirvana⊃Wondrous Existence⊃Emptiness |
§ 1 |
I |
在空處者,可能具有空性。 |
One at the empty is possible to be of emptiness. |
II |
在空之左極限處者,具有空性。 |
One at the empty's left limit is of emptiness. |
§ 2 |
具有空性者,始可迴避塔斯基不可定義性,而具有維特根斯坦視野。 |
Only one of emptiness can avoid Tarski's undefinability, and has Wittgenstein's horizon. |
§ 3 |
I |
不迴避塔斯基不可定義性者,不可具有空性。 |
One can be of emptiness only by avoiding Tarski's undefinability. |
II |
塔斯基不可定義性,不經後設理解,不可迴避之。 |
One can avoid Tarski's undefinability only by metarealization. |
前項後設理解,可基於因果模態而為之。 |
The metarealization in the preceding paragraph can be based on a causal mode. |
§ 4 |
I |
維特根斯坦視野,係空相之一。 |
Wittgenstein's horizon is a reflection of emptiness. |
II |
具有維特根斯坦視野者,可觀察可觀察宇宙及不可觀察宇宙。 |
One having Wittgenstein's horizon can observe the observable universe and the unobservable universe. |
前項觀察所得之資訊,不相容於非後設理論。 |
The information derived from the observation in the preceding paragraph is inconsistent with the non-metatheories. |