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第3篇第1章第1節 |
Volume.3, Chapter.1, Section.1 |
寂滅⊃妙有⊃空 |
Nirvana⊃Wondrous Existence⊃The Empty |
§ 1 |
空,位在哥德爾界限上,係可觀察宇宙與不可觀察宇宙之埠口之一。 |
The empty is on Godel's boundary, and is a port between observable universes and unobservable universes. |
§ 2 |
I |
空之右極限,屬於可觀察宇宙;其左極限,屬於不可觀察宇宙。 |
The empty's right limit belongs to the observable universe; its left limit belongs to the unobservable universe. |
II |
閔可夫斯基時空在空處不連續。 |
Minkowski's spacetime is discontinuous at the empty. |
§ 3 |
主體透過布置因果模態,可前往空。 |
A subject is possible to go to the empty by arranging a causal mode. |
§ 4 |
主體在空之右極限處者,由於因果模態,難以維持在空處。 |
A subject at empty's right limit is difficult to maintain itself at the empty based on a causal mode. |
§ 5 |
除寂滅者外,布置因果模態者,不在空處。 |
One arranging a causal mode is not at the empty, except for nirvanic ones. |