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第2篇第1章第1節 |
Volume.2, Chapter.1, Section.1 |
運作⊃描述⊃定義 |
Application⊃Description⊃Definition |
§ 1 |
I |
定義,非循環定義,不可為之。 |
A definition can only be a circular definition. |
II |
定義在邏輯系統中,展現非循環定義之形式,俾有益於主體理解。 |
A definition shows a form of non-circular definition in a consistent logic system, helpful for a subject's comprehension. |
§ 2 |
定義,係基於個體或群體本徵函數而為之。 |
A definition is based on an individual or a colonial eigenfunction. |
§ 3 |
定義與理論同生共滅,亦即,存在定義,若且唯若存在理論。 |
A certain definition and a certain theory are simultaneously existent or non-existent, that is, there is a certain definition, if and only if there is a theory. |
§ 4 |
I |
循環論證,不當然無效。 |
A circular argument is not invalid ipso facto. |
II |
循環論證無益於主體理解者,對該主體無效。 |
A circular argument is invalid for a subject, if it is helpless for the subject's comprehension. |