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第1篇第2章第1節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.2, Section.1 |
現象⊃個體⊃個體本徵函數 |
Phenomena⊃Individual⊃Individual Eigenfunction |
§ 1 |
I |
個體本徵函數完全表示個體性質,係個體資料庫及個體演算法之相容表示法,視為個體本身。 |
The individual eigenfunction completely expresses the properties of an individual, and is the consistent expression of the individual database and the individual algorithm, and is deemed the individual itself in a consistent logic system. |
II |
個體界限,由個體本徵函數之形式、定義域及陪域決定之。 |
The individual boundary is determined by the form, the domains and the codomain of an individual eigenfunction. |
§ 2 |
I |
個體本徵函數係宇宙本徵函數之一部。 |
An individual eigenfunction is a part of the universal eigenfunction. |
II |
個體本徵函數包括宇宙亂數器之一部。 |
An individual eigenfunction includes a part of the universal randomizer. |
§ 3 |
個體在哥德爾界限內之可觀察部,為理性;在哥德爾界限外之不可觀察部,為感性。 |
The observable part of an individual in Godel's boundary is rationality; its unobservable part out of Godel's boundary is spirituality. |