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第1篇第2章第4節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.2, Section.4 |
現象⊃個體⊃自我 |
Phenomena⊃Individual⊃Self |
§ 1 |
自我,係特定時空區域之阿賴耶識。 |
A self is an alaya-vijnana in a certain spacetime region. |
§ 2 |
I |
自我之終點與其後繼自我之起點不連續。 |
It is discontinuous where is the self's terminal point and its successive self's starting point. |
II |
自我與個體在時空上未必具有相同起訖。 |
A self and an individual does not necessarily have same terminal point or starting point. |
§ 3 |
I |
超我,非由觀察自我與非自我之不連續性,不可存在。 |
The super-ego can be existent only by observing the discontinuity between the self and the non-self. |
II |
超我,因前項觀察而為後設;其更後設者,仍視為超我。 |
The super-ego is of meta due to the observation in the preceding paragraph; the super-ego of even more meta is still deemed the super-ego. |