Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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1-2-5 意志

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第1篇第2章第5節 Volume.1, Chapter.2, Section.5
現象⊃個體⊃意志 Phenomena⊃Individual⊃Will
§ 1
意志,係自我之退化。 A will is the degenerate case of a self.
§ 2
自我,因自回饋而在特定時空不能特定其變數者,在該時空中無意志能力。 A self of which the variables cannot be certain at a certain spacetime due to its self-feedback lacks a will ability at said spacetime.
§ 3
意志之定義域及值域,時變或空變。 The domain and the range of a will are time-variant or space-variant.
§ 4 意志,其定義域或值域受羈束者,其意志力不完全自由;其等之一受羈束成一點者,其意志力完全不自由。 For a will of which the domain or the range is limited, its will effect is not completely free; for that of which one of them is limited to a point, its will effect is completely not free.
§ 5
  1. 無意志能力。
  2. 意志力完全不自由。
  3. 意志之定義域或值域不由宇宙亂數器間接提供。
A self lacks a free will in one of the following conditions:
  1. It lacks a will ability.
  2. Its will effect is completely not free.
  3. The domain or the range of its will is not indirectly provided by the universal randomizer.
§ 6 I 意志之結果,不表示於世界者,不存在於世界。 A result of a will not expressed to the world is non-existent in the world.

II 意志之結果,至自我消滅時仍不及表示於世界者,即生世界上不存在性確定力。 A result of a will not expressed to the world even until the self's vanishment results in a prejudicial effect of its worldly non-existence.
