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第1篇第2章第3節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.2, Section.3 |
現象⊃個體⊃阿賴耶識 |
Phenomena⊃Individual⊃Alaya-vijnana |
§ 1 |
阿賴耶識,係宇宙本徵函數之一部。 |
An alaya-vijnana is a part of the universal eigenfunction. |
§ 2 |
I |
個體觀察個體本徵函數值所得之資訊,儲存於阿賴耶識。 |
An alaya-vijnana saves the information derived from observing by an individual the values of an individual eigenfunction. |
II |
前項儲存,係透過疊代改變宇宙本徵函數用以定義阿賴耶識之若干特定節點值,而重新定義阿賴耶識。 |
The save in the preceding paragraph is to redefine the alaya-vijnana by changing the values of the universal eigenfunction's certain nodes used to define the alaya-vijnana through iteration. |
不同阿賴耶識,可儲存相同資訊。 |
Different alaya-vijnanas can save same information. |
§ 3 |
I |
阿賴耶識之初始條件,屬於不可觀察宇宙。 |
The initial conditions of an alaya-vijnana belongs to the unobservable universe. |
II |
除寂滅者外,阿賴耶識,時變或空變,直至非時變且非空變。 |
An alaya-vijnana is time-variant or space-variant until it is time-invariant and space-invariant, except for those of nirvanic ones. |
§ 4 |
I |
阿賴耶識,於非時變且非空變時,成為大圓鏡智。 |
An alaya-vijnana becomes the great perfect mirror wisdom when it is time-invariant and space-invariant |
II |
大圓鏡智,具有唯一性。 |
The great perfect mirror wisdom is unique. |