原則一詞,定義如次: 一人對特定集合存在原則,若且唯若此人對上開集合之元素各存在唯一評價[1]。 |
The word "principle" is defined as follows: A person has a principle for a certain set, if and only if, the person has a unique evaluation[1] for each of the elements in said set. |
其中,p為原則,S為特定集合,e為評價,x為元素。 |
The symbolic expression of foresaid definition is as follows:
Wherein p means said principle, S means said set, e means said evaluation, and x means said element. |
以無原則為內容之原則,在相容邏輯系統下不存在於瞬間。 | A principle with no principle as its content does not exist at an instant in a consistent logic system. |
隨時空之原則變化,以對上開變化亦存在原則為限,始無指摘之餘地。 | A temporary or spatial principle variation is not blamable, only if there is still a principle for said variation. |
[1] | 若評價係由無隱變數之函數所為,則對某元素存在唯一評價。 | If evaluations come from a function with no implicit variable, there is a unique evaluation for an element. |