Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Political[1] Division and Excision

善歸善,惡歸惡,功歸功,過歸過;善惡不相抵,功過不相償;善惡功過,了然於心,則曰政治上分割。 We do a political division, if we recognize that, the good cannot cancel out the bad, and the merit cannot balance out the demerit, as well as clearly distinguish the good, the bad, the merit and the demerit.
隱惡揚善,推過攬功,則曰政治上切割。 We do a political excision, if we cover the bad but extol the merit, and shuffle off the demerit but boast of the merit.
分割,可見大惡之小善,亦察大功之小過,以成公義之褒貶,就多元之流風。 A political division lets us see the small good in the big bad, and notice the small demerit in the big merit, so we can give a fair comment, and contact with various styles.
切割,只作偽善虛功,不修邪惡罪過,須臾浮華,終究空虛。 A political excision lets us make efforts on the good of fake and the merit of false, but never change the bad and the demerit, and brings us a temporarily vanity, but eventually leads us to vain.


[1] 非於公領域,無以言善惡功過,而政治即公領域活動,故曰政治上。 We can talk about the good, the bad, the merit and the demerit only in the public field, and politics is the activity in the public field, so we use the word "political".
