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第1篇第1章第6節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.1, Section.6 |
現象⊃宇宙⊃宇宙亂數器 |
Phenomena⊃The Universe⊃The Universal Randomizer |
§ 1 |
宇宙亂數器,係宇宙演算法之一部,且係不可觀察宇宙之一部。 |
The universal randomizer is a part of the universal algorithm, as well as a part of the unobservable universe. |
§ 2 |
宇宙亂數器所生之亂數範圍,經函數而限縮,受觀察而崩塌。 |
The random range generated by the universal randomizer will be narrowed through functions, and will be collapsed after observation. |
§ 3 |
自由意志之定義域及值域,係由宇宙亂數器間接提供。 |
The domain and the range of a free will is indirectly provided by the universal randomizer. |