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第1篇第1章第2節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.1, Section.2 |
現象⊃宇宙⊃性質 |
Phenomena⊃The Universe⊃Property |
§ 1 |
性質,有利於認識論,非必要於宇宙之運作。 |
Properties are advantageous for epistemology, but are not necessary for the function of the universe. |
§ 2 |
I |
性質,在範疇外不存在,非透過觀察態射,不可描述之。 |
Any property is non-existent out of a category, and can be described only after observing morphisms. |
II |
若干事物共有特定性質,若且唯若存在特定態射使該若干事物經該態射之映射相同。 |
Things share a certain property, if and only if there is a certain morphism, such that through said morphism the maps of said things are same. |
事物,係前項態射定義域之子集合。 |
A thing is a subset in a certain domain of the morphism in the preceding paragraph. |
IV |
映射,係第二項態射陪域之子集合。 |
A map is a subset of a certain codomain of the morphism in the second paragraph. |
§ 3 |
若干事物經特定性質互相類比。 |
Things are analogs to each other by properties. |
§ 4 |
本質一詞,視為語言之誤用,在本文中不予考慮。 |
We shall deem the word "essence" a misuse in language, and shall not consider it in this article. |