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第1篇第1章第7節 |
Volume.1, Chapter.1, Section.7 |
現象⊃宇宙⊃時空 |
Phenomena⊃The Universe⊃Spacetime |
§ 1 |
時間之存在,由我思故我在一事證明。 |
The existence of time is proved by the fact "cogito ergo sum". |
§ 2 |
時間,在相容邏輯系統下無限。 |
Time is infinite in a consistent logic system. |
§ 3 |
宇宙資料庫若係由有限可數空間單元組成,則一切宇宙狀態可有限而完備地列舉。 |
All universal states can be finitely but completely listed, if the universal database consists of finite countable space units. |
§ 4 |
宇宙至少一維無限者,無限。 |
The universe is infinite if at least one of its dimension is infinite. |
§ 5 |
I |
時間,非透過觀察空間變化,不可描述之。 |
Time can be described only after observing the variation of space. |
II |
空間,隨時間而變化。 |
A space varies with time. |
時間之定義與空間之定義,均不滿足正則公理。 |
Both the definition of time and the definition of space do not satisfy the axiom of regularity. |