Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Ignorance

The word "ignorance" is defined as follows:
A person is deemed ignorant, if and only if he lacks information, and causes a disadvantage in consequence.[1][2]


[1] 無知成立之要件,不僅必須缺乏資訊,更必須因此遭受不利益。是故,一人若僅缺乏資訊,但未因此遭受不利益,則不被認定為無知。
Not only information lack but also disadvantage occurrence shall be the requirement for ignorance to happen. Therefore, a person shall not be deem ignorant, if he just lacks information, but does not cause a disadvantage in consequence.
[2] 本文定義乃將無知成立之要件侷限於當事人之主觀價值觀。察世上資訊無量無邊,自不可能無所不知,且人人各有所長,資訊乃無高下之分,即無絕對必要性,而就當事人之主觀價值觀始可認定其相對必要性。若一人於試圖達成特定目的時,必須具備特定資訊而不具備之,則此人勢必無法達成該目的,而致使自身遭受不利益,此時始得認定此人為無知。
The definition in this article is to limit the requirement for ignorance to happen to the subjective values of the person involved. Since there is a large number of information in the world, we are impossible to be omniscient at all, and since every trade has its master, which means the information is not comparable, we cannot specify that any information is absolutely necessary, but deem it relatively necessary only in view of the subjective values of the person involved. If a person tries to reach a certain goal which he lacks a certain ability to reach, and he finally fails to reach it, causing damage for himself in consequence, only in this condition can we deem the person an ignorant person.