Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Peace Memorial

血紅的囚所在歷史的自省中反白為蒼翠的公園。這印象的落差就是實在的襯底,使我們悉知和平的原料,以誓言杜絕和平的倒轉,也使我們看穿紀念的中樞,免得因歷史的抽絲剝繭而混亂了人的去向。 The bloody red prison has through a color reversion turn into the emerald green park after the historical repentence. This vivid contrast becomes the substrate of reality, for us to know the materials of peace, so that we swear to terminate the repeat of unpeace, and for us to see through the core of our memory, so that we do not lose our human direction while decomposing the history.
在這條道上,我們再不左顧右盼,而是凝視;我們再不迂迴,而是筆直;我們既不暴進也不萎退,而是漸進漸趨。我們不打算模仿可愛的蟲魚鳥獸在花草樹木間倏地穿梭,基於牠們倏地的生命。我們正在策動對立的相擁,以築起勇敢的共構,俾實踐螺旋式的上升。 On this road, we are not inattentive anymore, but concentrative; we are not roundabout anymore, but direct; we do not neither burst out nor give up, but progress step by step. We are not following those cute animals leaping over the garden suddenly, as live suddenly. We are stimulating an embrace between conflicts, to construct a bravery integration, for practicing the spiral elevation.
