Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The[1] Deduction for First Propositions of Realism

  1. 思。
  2. 思非我。
  3. 思非非我。
  4. 思我。
  5. 思,若且唯若,在。
The deduction for First Propositions of Realistic is as follows:
  1. Think.
  2. Think of non-myself.
  3. Think of non-non-myself.
  4. Think of myself.
  5. Think, if and only if, exist.
  1. 思者,一念不覺也。
  2. 思非我者,妄想也。
  3. 思非非我,分別也。
  4. 思我者,執著也。
  5. 思、在之等價致生煩惱也。
The interpretations of the each proposition are as follows:
  1. Thinking is a confusion.
  2. Thinking of non-myself is a delusion.
  3. Thinking of non-non-myself is a distinction.
  4. Thinking of myself is an obsession.
  5. Regarding thinking as existence begins a vexation.


[1] 定冠詞顯示上開演繹之唯一性。 The definite article implies the uniqueness of the deduction.
